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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/11 19:09:39
正在听 一直在缓冲
楼主先别慌着给他分 等我翻译好了 你再比较一下
玩家 ID buddhist
Solo 曲目 double hat pawage
As many of you know that i quit wow 8 months ago.It turn to say that why i quit.You need know that i pretty much really quit in season two.After that i only played to fraps videos or prepare to fraps (游戏视频录制工具) video when t play full time when i palyed because i enjoy improving in exulting performance.unfortunately,well,improvement also make such difference.because there are another big difference between palying X well and playing x well.i'm also perfcting your strategy and perfecting execution of strategy.don't even guarantee you when you play.Because you always be foiled by RNG(不确定爆发因素).therefore,controling the game second ways from the player given the RNG.but as is said i pretty that i try to make them just entertainment based.so i'm inclued as much as clever and humor as possible.however,some of my PVT video refers to some of the game play was under rated or even overhead your time.special in the later videos.because mini mistakes would be loaded which one actually mistakes they were intentional .but it's not as through.
I'm planing a perfect play.as far as my successful video i concerned i never really would be gone without warcraft moives.And the founders of warcraft moives itself help a lot.Thanks X and X(两个人名) they are really the resources of m success there.
As far as warcraft moive itself concerned,i disagree with the raiding(或者是rating 听起来差不多)changing from the new world website.where they simplified the rating system.I thought it should be more index.because there are a big difference between entertain and learning or reviewing a video.And i think the rating should really reflect that.I propose the rating system by myself.maybe those implement in the future,maybe not.
Now i quit playing wow.many people ask me what games i playing now.I'm not palying any game in full time.I'm playing the starcraft with friends on line.em most reading books and the songs series syes on fire by george(这里省略人名) i think it's very good and i recommend it when starcraft2 and diable3 come out,i will get those,those will become my main games.but until them,i will not have any full-time games.I spend a lot my time doing is working my website ----thekingdomofernor.com which is the mainly real world news website,but also includes articles on gaming and other things.
最后2句话没听清 貌似一个讲的是他喜欢的小说(novel-经济来源于他网站的收入)
就像你们所知道的那样,我离开魔兽世界已经有八个月之久了,也该是时候该谈谈自己离开的原因了.就如很你们所了解的那样,在第二个资料篇完结后我就仅仅只是全身心投身于游戏视频录像的制作.我玩魔兽世界时因为我喜欢提高(也可以理解成练级吧)和另人欢呼的表现(极限操作).另人遗憾的是,个人能力的提升(可以理解成LV70和刷出很NB的套装的 我没有玩过WOW 自己YY的)并不能使我满足.这就好像玩游戏和游戏人生有本质区别一样(意译) 这就好像你在刷副本的时候良好的战略和精细的操作并不能完全保证你打BOSS成功.因为你总会遇到不确定的爆发因素(RNG)因此在打副本的时候我们总是预备几套方案来应对公会队友们突然爆发的各种囧事.
就像我以上所说的那样,我做这些视频仅仅只是为了回忆和纪念罢了.这就是为什么我总是想把它们尽可能弄的跟娱乐和幽默一些.我知道自己在制作PVT 视频的时候总是显得有些淫荡,特别是在之后的几部作品中,嗯,我的意思是我并不是想秀自己玩的有多么多么的好,而是我想在游戏中展现出真实的自己.当我制作的视频成功后,我想魔兽电影对我而言功不可没.这些电影的先驱者们给予了我很多的启发,谢谢XX呵XX (这里省略两个人名)
最后2句话没听清 貌似一个讲的是他喜欢的小说(novel-经济来源于他网站的收入)