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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/05 02:58:20
第一段;The second phase: 1979 -1992, part of the learning from international practice since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party, due to the implementation of open-door policy, to have some foreign investment in China, Sino-foreign joint ventures in large numbers. However, our business is based on ownership was imposed, sub-sector accounting system, particularly the three sections of balance sheet balanced funds, making foreign joint ventures and foreign personnel in the accounting aspects of the accounting information is very difficult urgent need to introduce a new system to solve problems in practical work. In this accounting system, all with international practices and accounting procedures similar to
第二段;The third stage: 1992 -1997, the broad reference to international practice with the increase of foreign investment in China, Sino-foreign joint venture is not unique to the organization, foreign-owned enterprises, Sino-foreign joint venture after another, these three types of standardized Accounting for enterprises with foreign investment is clearly very necessary and urgent. The system of accounting recognition and measurement of the specific provisions more broadly draws on international practices. Solve these systems by the more than 40 minutes prior to the reform of ownership composition by sector accounting system in the difference between the accounting indicators are not comparable to a big problem. Provisions of the new accounting system the accounting industry subjects,
第三段;The fourth stage: so far, building a unified standard by economic business accounting standards system, \u0026quot;Enterprise Accounting Standards\u0026quot; and the sub-sector accounting system is implemented, due to the different industries have different financial statements, the information revealed in the listed companies, corporate mergers and financial statements there are many aspects of mergers and other inconvenience. To enhance the comparability of financial information, regulate the disclosure of financial information, to establish a suitable form of ownership in different sectors of business accounting standards it is very necessary.
英语翻译第二阶段:1979年-1992年,部分借鉴国际惯例党的十一届三中全会以来,由于对外开放政策的实施,一些外商纷纷到 七下政治填空书没带回来呀1978年,党的十一届三中全会,把工作重心转移到( )上来,党的十一届三中全会以来,我国以( ) 英语翻译浅谈改革开放30年之会计改革1978年党的十一届三中全会以来,中国改革开放整整走过了30个年头.我国企业的会计改 我国对外开放政策的实施经历了哪几个阶段? 对党的十一届三中全会以来的路线、方针、政策的态度? 英语翻译摘要:自2004年《超级女生》造成万人空巷以来,电视选秀节目的发展如火如荼,势不可挡.国内各电视台纷纷仿效,一时 英语翻译八十年代以来,世界一些发达国家纷纷投入智能交通系统(ITS)的研究与开发,并已形成二十一世纪交通运输系统的发展方 英语翻译1978年,党的十一届三中全会开启了改革开放的闸门,中国开始冲破几千年来的思想束缚,放眼望世界.1992年,改革 北京市实施交通管理新举措以来,全市公共交通显著增加,据统计,2008年10月11日到2009年 试对2008年以来我国政府实施的财政政策与货币政策进行分析 我国对外开放政策的实施经历了哪几个阶段,标志是什么 英语翻译那个时候国人并没有认识高尔夫,但是外商到中国来投资,没有高尔夫球场,怎么满足外商休闲娱乐的需求,没有高尔夫球场,