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英语翻译CARMELO:Of course hip-hop,that1s the main one,I like a l

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 11:09:03
CARMELO:Of course hip-hop,that1s the main one,I like a lot of R&B.I likeold soul music too.There are messages in all the music I listen to,youknow,I get a chance to learn a lot about the artists and what they1veseen.I1ve gotten a good sense of what1s going on in the world by listeningto all types of music.
CARMELO:Well,it1s just a mission to give a hand to underprivileged kidsand families.Trying to keep kids off the street.I want to give back,I1mone of the faces of the young generation and I want to carry that torch fora long time.
11.What do you think is most important in your success today?CARMELO:Being focused,staying focused.It1s too easy to get off target.
12.Could you describe a typical day of MELO to the readers?I guess youmust spend a lot of time practicing?CARMELO:Wake up,head to the gym to work out,first and foremost.Then ifI1m not playing or practicing,then I1m just chillin at the house,playingwith my son.
13.What do you think is the best thing about being an NBA star?What is thebiggest change that the NBA has brought you?CARMELO:Everything that comes with being in the NBA is great - all thepeople you get to meet,the places you get to travel,all the opportunities.The biggest change for me was just knowing and realizing the situation thatI was in at such a young age,and just having to develop a really good senseof myself and a better understanding of my decisions,not just in basketball- but in life.
14.Talk about your new Jordan M6 sneaker.CARMELO:Every year I release a new Jordan signature sneaker.With the newJordan M6,I designed it from beginning to end.Mainly,my influence was tocreate something that could perform at the highest level on the court,butcould also be worn off the court in everyday use.
15.Let1s focus on the pre-season game in China for a moment,it1s not thefirst time you have come to China,what is China like in your eyes?Got anyremarkable memories here?CARMELO:At first,it was really different because I had never been toChina,so I didn1t know what to expect.But once I got there and spent moretime there,and learned about the culture,it1s pretty much become my secondhome.I have been to China the past four summers and I have always had agood time.Going to the Great Wall was a good memory for me,and also justwalking around and seeing what1s going on.
16.The fans are crazy,especially when you are out of America.Differentcultures bring surprising experiences.Could you please share with us thecraziest story between you and the fans?CARMELO:Let1s just say I get followed around a lot by fans,everywhere Igo,every time I1m in China.17.It1s a pre-season game,but its already the new season,what is yourgoal in the new season?CARMELO:To win a championship,that1s the one and only.18.Got anything else to share with our readers?CARMELO:No.I just can1t wait to get to China.I can1t wait to play thereagain!
5.What do you think is the most important thing for you when choosingclothes?Design,quality or comfort?CARMELO:The design is most important,of course,and comfort is second -they are the main two.But quality is important too,you don1t wantsomething falling apart.
6.What brands do you like best?Where do you buy clothes?Could you pleaselist two sets of clothes you have been wearing recently in detail?CARMELO:I buy clothes wherever I1m at - if I1m out and about and whenever Isee something,especially at boutiques.That1s where I find someunderground brands,or stuff that not everybody1s wearing.I like Prohibitin New York.I wear a lot of suits,too,but sometimes I just like to throwon a pair of jeans,some Jordans and a nice T-shirt.I get a lot of myclothes custom-made too,by KWeb Image Inc.,and I get my denim from Blue inGreen as well as Jean Shop (in New York).
英语翻译CARMELO:Of course hip-hop,that1s the main one,I like a l
不用说,最大的爱好是hip hop.我喜欢听各种r&b,也喜欢老的黑人乐.音乐向我传达各种信息,使我有机会深入了解艺术家和他们所感受的东西.我对于世界上正在发生的事有很好的领悟,是拜倾听各种音乐所赐.
14,说说你的新款Jordan M6运动鞋吧.
要看我在哪里了.如果我在外头转悠,特别是在时装小店,常常能发掘一些地下品牌,或者是从来没有人穿过的款式.我喜欢纽约的Prohibit,西装也经常穿.但有时候,也会只穿条牛仔,乔丹的鞋,和漂亮的T恤.我还向KWeb Image定做了挺多衣服的,会去Blue in Green和纽约的Jean Shop买牛仔.