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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 03:37:18
1. How long is it since the Golden Weeks (黄金周) began?
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A.10 years.
B.19 years.
C.99 years.
2. What did more and more people think of week-long holidays?
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A.They weretoo shortto travel.
B.They were good opportunitiestotakeabreak.
C.They were not so good for most tourists.
3. Why did the government pass a plan about the holiday change?
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A.Because people hoped to change the holidays.
B.Because the tourism service had a new plan.
C.Because there were too many Golden Weeks.
4. Which holiday remains unchanged?
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A.May 1st.
B.Apr 5th.
C.Oct 1st.
5. How isMay 1stgolden weekchanged?
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A.Ithasbecome a traditional festival.
B.It has become a one-day holiday.
C.It has become a new holiday.
1-5: ACACB
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