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改英语作文!总分25 老师只给了15分,我想知道都在哪里扣分!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 03:53:57
改英语作文!总分25 老师只给了15分,我想知道都在哪里扣分!
根据汉语提示,以Protecting environment is saving ourselves 为题写篇100词左右的短文,号召人们起来保护环境.
1、 环境污染对人类危害极大,据说每年有数以万计的人死于污染引起的疾病.
2、 由于森林的破坏,世界沙化面积扩大,气候更加恶劣,如此下去,这个世界将不适合我们生活了.
3、 工厂排出的废气废液污染了空气和江河,如今世人都渴望得到清洁的空气,宜人的气候和干净的饮用水.
4、 幸好现在越来越多的人认识到了这个问题的严重性,并努力采取措施来保护环境.
答:Protecting environment is Saving ourselves.
Man is now facing a big problem about environment which is more serious thing in our daily life.
Environment pollution is bad for Man,s health..It is said that hundreds of people died due to polluted.Forest be broken by people..Weather has become warming and warming..However air also was be polluted by some company.Many people hope breathe Fresh air and drink clean water.If we continue to polluted the earth that can’t be suitable live in.
Fortunately,More and More people realized this serious problem and take measures to project environment.
In a word,protecting environment is saving ourselves!
改英语作文!总分25 老师只给了15分,我想知道都在哪里扣分!
再问: 高二。
再答: 简短点评一下吧,你的长处是基本可以表达你想说的意思并能用一些从句,低分的原因是你有太多明显的低级错误。 1. 在写作中不要轻易用man这个词,这个词太不正式而且一开头你就man了两次,甚是刺眼。简单点用个people也比man好,深一点的可以用human, human being,甚至public都可以表达“人们”这个意思。 2. "due to polluted".另外一个显眼的错误, due to 后面要跟名词。 3. “Forest be broken by people”。我觉得这一句是最致命的,给了老师一个充足理由给低分,普通的被动语态写错了,初中基础没打好。还有破坏森林不要用broken,用damage. 4.Weather has become warming and warming. 表示越来越.......应该是warmer and warmer两个比较级放在一起。 5.If we continue to polluted the earth that can’t be suitable for people to live in. 另外一个致命错误,大扣分点,一个初中知识点。 if开头一定是连接2个句子的,不可能只有一个句子,楼上帮你改的人也错了,正确的应该是if we continue to pollute the earth, our planet will be no longer suitable for human beings. 6. However air also was be polluted by some company。错误处“was be"这个是你整编文章的终级错误,学英语的人只要看到你写出这样的句子就知道你的水平怎么好都有限。无论写作还是口语,英语里一个句子只能有一个谓语或系动词。至于什么是谓语和系动词,请自己查。 其他错误就不一一叙述了,基本上整篇文章除了第一句和最后2句没有语法错误外(忽略你把protect拼成project),其他每一句都有错误.你要做的事是要恶补基础知识,一句话里面最基本要有那几个成分,词语搭配要用的准确,用错了还不如不用。争取把简单句写正确,再去用那些定语从句。