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英语翻译Early lifeNorris was born in Ryan,Oklahoma,the son of Wi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/09 02:50:01
Early life
Norris was born in Ryan,Oklahoma,the son of Wilma (née Scarberry) and Ray Norris,who was a mechanic,bus driver,and truck driver.Norris' paternal grandfather (an immigrant) and maternal grandmother were of Irish descent,while his paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather were Cherokee Native Americans.Norris was named after Carlos Berry,his father's minister.He has two younger brothers,Wieland (deceased) and Aaron (a Hollywood producer).When Norris was sixteen,his parents divorced,and he later relocated to Prairie Village,Kansas,and then to Torrance,California,with his mother and brothers.Norris describes his childhood as downbeat.He was nonathletic,shy,and scholastically mediocre.Other children taunted him about his mixed ethnicity,and Norris daydreamed about beating up his tormentors.Norris mentioned in his autobiography that his father had a very serious problem with drinking and "wasn't there" a lot for him growing up.Norris admitted that he loved his father but did not like him.However,he professed that he only felt pity for the man because "that was just how he was,and he missed so much."
He joined the United States Air Force as an Air Policeman (AP) in 1958 and was sent to Osan Air Base,South Korea.It was there that Norris acquired the nickname Chuck and began his training in Tang Soo Do (tangsudo),an interest that led to black belts in that art and the founding of the Chun Kuk Do ("Universal Way") form.He created the education associations United Fighting Arts Federation and "KickStart" (formerly "Kick Drugs Out of America"),a middle school and high school–based program intended to give at-risk children a focus point in life through the martial arts.When he returned to the United States,he continued to act as an AP at March Air Force Base,California.Norris was discharged in August 1962.He worked for the Northrop Corporation and opened a chain of karate schools,which Chad McQueen,Steve McQueen's son,attended.
英语翻译Early lifeNorris was born in Ryan,Oklahoma,the son of Wi
Early life
Norris was born in Ryan,Oklahoma,the son of Wilma (née Scarberry) and Ray Norris,who was a mechanic,bus driver,and truck driver.Norris' paternal grandfather (an immigrant) and maternal grandmother were of Irish descent,while his paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather were Cherokee Native Americans.Norris was named after Carlos Berry,his father's minister.He has two younger brothers,Wieland (deceased) and Aaron (a Hollywood producer).When Norris was sixteen,his parents divorced,and he later relocated to Prairie Village,Kansas,and then to Torrance,California,with his mother and brothers.Norris describes his childhood as downbeat.He was nonathletic,shy,and scholastically mediocre.Other children taunted him about his mixed ethnicity,and Norris daydreamed about beating up his tormentors.Norris mentioned in his autobiography that his father had a very serious problem with drinking and "wasn't there" a lot for him growing up.Norris admitted that he loved his father but did not like him.However,he professed that he only felt pity for the man because "that was just how he was,and he missed so much."
He joined the United States Air Force as an Air Policeman (AP) in 1958 and was sent to Osan Air Base,South Korea.It was there that Norris acquired the nickname Chuck and began his training in Tang Soo Do (tangsudo),an interest that led to black belts in that art and the founding of the Chun Kuk Do ("Universal Way") form.He created the education associations United Fighting Arts Federation and "KickStart" (formerly "Kick Drugs Out of America"),a middle school and high school–based program intended to give at-risk children a focus point in life through the martial arts.When he returned to the United States,he continued to act as an AP at March Air Force Base,California.Norris was discharged in August 1962.He worked for the Northrop Corporation and opened a chain of karate schools,which Chad McQueen,Steve McQueen's son,attended.
诺里斯(Norris)生于俄克拉何马州瑞恩市,父母分别时是瑞*诺里斯(Ray Norris) 和威尔玛*诺里斯(Wilma Norris)(母亲婚前叫史格倍瑞(Scarberry)),他曾做过技工、巴士司机和卡车司机.诺里斯的爷爷(是一名移民)和外祖母是爱尔兰血统,而他的奶奶和外祖父则是美国切诺基族土著人.诺里斯的名字取自他父亲的牧师卡洛斯*白瑞(Carlos Berry).他有两个弟弟,分别是维兰德(Wieland)(已故)和亚伦(Aaron)(好莱坞制片人).诺里斯16岁时,他的父母离婚,于是他随同母亲和两个弟弟先搬到堪萨斯州的草原村,后来又搬到加利福尼亚州的托兰斯市(Torrance).诺里斯说自己的孩提时代是灰色的.他不好动、害羞并且学习一般.其他的孩子都嘲笑他是混血出身,于是诺里斯就幻想着把这些讨厌的家伙打得满地找牙.诺里斯在自己的自传中承认,他父亲酗酒非常严重,并且在诺里斯成长期间,父亲经常“不在身边”.诺里斯承认,他爱自己的父亲,但是并不喜欢他.他坦陈为父亲感到可怜,因为“他就是这样一个人,而且他错过了很多.”
他于1958年加入美国空军,是一名空军警察,随后被派到南韩的乌山(OSan)空军基地.他就是在乌山得了“土拨鼠”这一外号,并且也是在那里开始了唐手道(Tangsudo)训练,由于他非常喜欢唐手道,所以他后来成为唐手道黑带,并创立了千国道(Chun Kuk Do)武学(也叫作“一技通”).他创办了各种教育协会,其中有技击联合会,“启动”(以前叫做“将毒品从美国踢出去”),后者是一个针对初中和高中的活动,旨在使那些处于危险边缘的孩子能够通过技击来找到生活的重点.回到美国后,他继续在加利福尼亚州的三月(March)空军基地担任空军警察.诺里斯于1962年退役.他供职于诺斯罗普(Northrop)公司,后来开办了空手道连锁学校,查德*麦昆恩(Chad McQueen)和史蒂夫*麦昆恩(Steve McQueen)的儿子也在其中学艺.
1 人名、地名以及专有机构的名称均有原文标注.
2 楼上有人搞错了,并不是诺里斯的父母做过技工、巴士司机和卡车司机,而是他本人.