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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 01:02:03
世界上第一台计算机诞生于1946年美国宾夕法尼亚大学,她叫埃尼阿克,发明她的人就是号称计算机之父的冯•诺依曼(John Von Neumann).虽然ENIAC体积庞大,耗电惊人,运算速度不过几千次!),但它比当时已有的计算装置要快1000倍,而且还有按事先编好的程序自动执行算术运算、逻辑运算和存储数据的功能.ENIAC宣告了一个新时代的开始.从此科学计算的大门也被打开了.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good evening!
It is really an honor for me to give a speech here.
As we all know,with the passing by of the stone age and the steam age when the manufacture fully used, we live in the electronic age now. A lot of useful inventions have been occured during this period of time such as telephones,electric lights,T.V,cars planes ect..All these are the necessary inventions.But, if being asked what do you think is the most important invention,the answer is --COMPUTER.
1946,University of Pennsylvania,the first computer named Eniac was born.Then John Von Neumann was called "the father of computer".Eniac,she is fat,eats a lot and kind of slow when counting--thousands of times per min.But what could not be ignored is that she is 1000 times faster than the accounting device at that time. Except this,the ability of arithmetic operation,logical calculus,data storage also makes her nicer.Eniac,the symbol of new time!从此科学计算的大门也被打开了.(这句话语义重复,不要)One of Eniac's sister the Internet,combines each computer in the world tightness,which makes date sharing and transmission come true.That also enable us to know what happens without going outside.The program which being made with the help of computer could let the fussy things easier. (没答完,大后天接着答)
再问: 好的好的,纯人工,我喜欢,别后天了,后天就用了,明天吧
再答: Also,robots with the support of computer will be found in the rugged surroundings which stop the step of our human beings.What's more,in the information age,you will find that it was much more easier and space saving to record the important dates which has relationship with the military and creation in computer. Above all,could be proved that the computer is the greatest invention ever occured. And in the further,through my hard working,I could be called the second von Neumann.
英语翻译女士们先生们:晚上好,我很荣幸能够站在这里发表我的演讲.众所周知,从一开始的石器时代到工业发达的蒸汽时代,直到今 女士们先生们,晚上好.很高兴我能在这里发表我的演讲,我演讲的题目是:我的爱好.(用英语怎么说?) 英语翻译尊敬的评委.女士们先生们,你们好.我很荣幸能站在这里参加这次演讲· 今天我要演讲的主题是选择·· 我们都知道·人 英语翻译晚上好,女士们先生们,我很荣幸得到这个机会来介绍自己.就这一句就行,用英语来说,一定要标准的英语,不能有语法错误 英语翻译早上好,女士们、先生们:非常荣幸能有这个机会站在这里担当这次活动的主持人,首先自我介绍一下,我叫xxx,来自xx 老师同学们,大家晚上好,今天我很荣幸在这里演讲.在这我演讲的题目是 这段话用英语怎么讲会的帮帮忙... 英语翻译1.女士们,先生们.大家晚上好.很高兴大家可以来到这里.我的名字是A.现在我来介绍一下,这位呢,是B.我旁边的是 女士们、先生们,今天很荣幸在这里跟大家做前段时间工作的汇报.请问如何用英文翻译 英语翻译1.女士们,先生们.大家晚上好.很高兴大家可以来到这里.我是A.现在我来介绍一下,这位呢,是B.我旁边的是C.废 英语翻译女士们,先生们下午好,很荣幸到此参加这个英语模仿大赛.这次模仿大赛的主题是---,这让我回想起在金色年华中的许许 英语翻译先生们,女士们,大家晚上好,欢迎您和我一起关注明天的天气.明日起,在我国北方地区预计会出项浮尘天气,另外,南方地 英语翻译女士们、先生们:很荣幸我能作为今天“计算机人工智能专题演讲会”的主持人.并以我个人的名义,向远道而来的贵宾们表示