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22.The mayor felt that the police,in spite of the reports,ha

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/08/01 06:42:53
22.The mayor felt that the police,in spite of the reports,had done ______ best.(得分:1分)
23.When I called you this morning,nobody answered the phone.____?(得分:1分)
A)where have you been
B)where were you
C)where did you go
D)where have you been to
24.My uncle,Sam,______ manager of the firm.(得分:1分)
A)is just made
B)has just been made
C)has just made
D)is just being made
25.The little baby was left alone,with ______ to look after it.(得分:1分)
B)no one
C)not one
26.The committee will not make the decision until it______ the hospital.(得分:1分)
B)has inspected
C)will have inspected
27._____ was unimportant.(得分:1分)
A)Although he enjoyed our dinner
B)Whether he enjoyed our dinner or not
C)If he enjoyed our dinner
D)No matter how he enjoyed our dinner
28.Today’s libraries differ greatly from ________.(得分:1分)
A)those past
B)those of the past
C)that past
D)the past
29.Generally there are ______ television programs for children on Saturday.(得分:1分)
A)a large amount of
B)a large number of
30.A good writer is ________ who can express the common thing in an uncommon way.(得分:1分)
31._____,you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.(得分:1分)
A)No matter who are you
B)Whomever you are
C)No matter whoever you are
D)Whoever you are
32.His instructor recommends that he _______ a regular degree program.(得分:1分)
A)is beginning
D)will begin
33.He abandoned the position that __________ to his becoming one of the most influential people in the world.(得分:1分)
A)should have led
B)must lead
C)could have led
D)would lead
22.The mayor felt that the police,in spite of the reports,ha
哦.你是高中生吧.其实你的问题很简单,重要的是分析耗句子结构.the police had done ______ best.这里的主语你应该知道了吧1所以选B第23题的答案;结合where 是一个副词来考虑.中国习惯中带'了'一般都用完成时》例如:你去哪儿了?表达为where have you been .24题的大案也可依照此案来做.注意这里的意思是被选为经理.要用被动语态.25题为纯粹的单词理解体.答案你好好琢磨一下.26题考的是not ...until.The committee will not make the decision until it inspected the hospital.Whether he enjoyed our dinner or not was unimportant.这里作主语的成分只能是whether or not结构.Today’s libraries differ greatly from those of the past .这里THOSE代表图书馆,of指属性.即the past .liibrary.programme是可数名词.用much 、little 修饰都是不恰当地.至于a large amount of 他大多修饰不可数名词.30题的大案应该是 the one .本人认为无答案.如果硬要选的话就只能选that.31题.no matter who=whoever.所填部分不应该是疑问句结构.Whoever you are 正确.32为虚拟结构.这里可以省略should.could have led 是正确答案.这里考的是语态.should表示应该.不能用与此.如果你还有什么疑问,请登陆我的百度或给我留言QQ;254456067