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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 22:30:37
生的,利用国家法律法规约束和舆论宣传而逐步引起全社会重视,由发达国家到发展中国家兴起的一场保卫生态环境和有效处理污染问题的措施.Environmental protection (hereinafter referred to as the environmental protection) is due to production development leads to the pollution of the environment problem is too serious, first cause the attention of developed countries and production
Environmental protection
Born of state laws and regulations, use restraint and publicity and gradually became the developed countries to the attention of the public, by developing countries to the rise of a defend the ecological environment and effectively deal with the problem of pollution measures.
2)监护水源——保护水源就是保护自己的生命   3)一水多用——不浪费资源,让水重复使用   4)阻止滴漏——检查维修水龙头   5)慎用清洁剂——尽量用肥皂,减少水污染   6)关心大气质量——别忘了你时刻都在呼吸   7)随手关灯——省一度电,少一份污染   8)少用电器——为减缓地球温暖化出一把力   9)减用空调——降低能源消耗   10)支持绿色照明——人人都用节能灯   11)利用可再生资源—别等到能源耗竭的那一天   12)做“公交族”——以乘坐公共交通车为荣   13)当“自行车英雄”——保护大气,始于足下   14)减少尾气排放——开车人的责任   15)用无铅汽油——开车人的选择   16)使用再生纸——减少森林砍伐   17)替代贺年卡——减轻地球负担   18)节粮新时尚——让节俭变成荣耀   19)控制噪声污染——让我们互相监督   
20)维护安宁环境——让我们从自己做起   21)认“环境标志”——选购绿色食品   22)用无氟制品——保护臭氧层   23)选无磷洗衣粉——保护江河湖泊   24)买环保电池——防止汞镉污染   25)选绿色包装——减少垃圾灾难   26)认绿色食品标志——保障自身健康   27)买无公害食品——维护生态环境   28)少用一次性制品——节约地球资源   29)自备购物袋——少用塑料袋   30)自备餐盒——减少白色污染   31)少用一次性筷子——别让森林变木屑   32)旧物巧利用——让有限的资源延长寿命   33)交流捐赠多余物品——闲置浪费,捐赠光荣   34)回收废塑料——开发“第二油田”   35)回收废电池——防止悲剧重演   36)回收废纸——再造林木资源   37)回收生物垃圾——再生绿色肥料
38)推动垃圾分类回收——举手之劳战胜垃圾公害   39)拒食野生动物——改变不良的饮食习惯   40)拒用野生动植物制品——别让濒危生命死在你手里   41)不猎捕和饲养野生动物——保护有脆弱的生物链   42)制止偷猎和买卖野生动物的行为——行使你神圣的权利   43)做动物的朋友——善待生命,与万物共存   44)不买珍稀木材用具——别摧毁热带雨林   45)植树护林——与荒漠作斗争   46)领养树——做绿林卫士   47)回收各种废弃物——所有的垃圾都能变成资源1) proud of water saving--shut up tap at any time, don't let water shed
Save water
2) monitoring water-water source protection is to protect their own life 3) water use-not waste resources and let the water drip from the repeated use 4)-check and repair the tap 5) careful with cleaner-as far as possible with soap, reduce water pollution 6) concerned about the quality of atmosphere-don't forget your moment in the breath 7) the lights on-once the province, lack a pollution 8) less with electrical appliances to slow the earth warming-a 9) reduce the force with air conditioning, reduce energy consumption 10) support the green lighting-everyone with energy-saving lamps 11) use renewable resources-don't wait until the depletion of energy that day 12) do "bus"--to take the proud of public transport 13) when the "hero"-protect the air bicycle, begins with a single step 14) reduce emissions--a guy's responsibility 15) with unleaded gasoline-drive people choose a 16) use recycled paper-reducing deforestation 17) alternative New Year card-reduce the burden 18) day food of new fashion--let frugal into glory 19) control noise pollution-let us supervise each other
Protect land
20) maintain peace environment-let us from ourselves 21) recognize "environment mark"--the choose and buy of green food 22) with no products--to protect ozone layer 23) choose no phosphorus detergent--to protect rivers and lakes 24) buy batteries-to prevent environmental cadmium pollution mercury 25) choose green packaging-reduce trash disaster 26) recognize symbol, the green food protection for their own health 27) buy pollution-free food-maintaining ecological environment less disposable products with 28)--save the earth's resources, bring your own shopping bag-29) use less plastic bags 30) to bring your own lunch box-reducing white pollution 31) with less disposable chopsticks-don't let forest become sawdust 32) old artful using--let the limited resources prolong life 33) exchange donation superfluous objects-waste, donor glorious 34) recycling of waste-" the second oilfield development "35) recycle used batteries-to prevent the tragedy to happen again 36) recycle waste paper recycling forest resources-37) recovery biological waste-renewable green fertilizer
Adopt tree-do the guardians
38) promote recycling waste-easy win over garbage pollution 39), refus feeds wildlife, change the poor eating habits 40) reject wildlife products-don't let endangered life in your hands and death) not hunting and raise wildlife protection of vulnerable-the food chain and) to stop the poaching and buying and selling of wild animals act-the right to exercise your sacred 43) do animals friends--treat life, and all things coexistence 44) not to buy rare wood appliance--don't destroy tropical rainforest 45) plant trees and forest protection-fight the desert 46) adopt tree-do the guards 47) of waste recycling-all the garbage can become resources