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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 00:11:37
vociferous [] adj. 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的(marked by vehement insistent outcry)
volition [] n.行使意志,决择(an act of making a choice or decision)
voracious [] adj.贪婪的,狼吞虎咽的(insatiable;having a huge appetite)
votary [] n. 热心者,崇拜者,信徒(enthusiast, devotee;a devout or zealous worshiper)
vulgar [] adj. 粗俗的,无教养的,通俗的(lacking in cultivation, perception, or taste:coarse)
wan [] adj.苍白的,病态的, 暗淡的(suggestive of poor health•sickly, pallid)
wary [] adj. 小心的,机警的,谨慎的(very cautious; watchful)
waylay [] vt.埋伏, 伏击, 抢劫(to lie in wait for or attack from ambush)
weird [  ] adj. 怪异的, 超自然的;神秘的, 不可思议的
whet [] vt. 磨快,使兴奋,刺激(to make keen or more acute:excite, stimulate)
wholesome [] adj. 有益健康的(promoting health or well-being of spirit,body or morals)
wickedness [] n.邪恶, 不道德(the quality or state of being morally very bad)
wince [] v. 避开,畏缩(to shrink back involuntarily as from pain)
windy [] adj. 冗长的,吹嘘的(verbose, bombastic)
wistful [  ] adj. 渴望的
ungainly [] adj.笨拙的,不雅的(lacking in smoothness or dexterity•clumsy)
unlettered [] adj. 未受教育的,无学问的,文盲的(lacking facility in reading and writing and
unrequited [] adj. 无报答的,无报酬的(not reciprocated or returned in kind)
unruly [] adj.难驾驭的,蛮横的(not readily ruled or managed;presumptuous)
unsettling v. 令人不安的,扰乱的,使困窘的
untoward [] adj. 不利的,不吉利的(not favorable:adverse, unpropitious)
unwitting [] adj. 不知道的,未觉察的(not knowing•unaware)
unwonted [] adj. 不习惯的,不寻常的(not accustomed by experience)
utter [] vt. 出声;发表,宣布(pronounce, speak)adj. 绝对的,完全的,十足的(absolute, total)
vacuous [] adj.愚蠢的, 空洞的(marked by lack of ideas or intelligence•stupid, inane)
vainglorious adj. 虚荣的
valid [] adj. 正确的(logically correct);有根据的(well-grounded);有效的(effective)
vanquish [] vt. 打败,征服,克服(to defeat in a conflict or contest)
vapid [] adj. 索然无味的,乏味的(lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force:flat, dull)
variance [] n. 变化,差异,不一致(difference, variation)
varnish [] n. 清漆 v. 涂上清漆,使有光泽(to apply varnish to)
vault [] n. 有拱形天花板的地窖, 金库(a room or compartment for the safekeeping of valuables)
vaunt [] v. 自夸(to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments:brag)
vehement [] adj.(情感)强烈的,热情洋溢的(intensely emotional:impassioned, fervid)
taint [] vt. 污染,使腐败(corrupt) n. 污点,感染(a moral defect considered as a spot)
tamper [] v. 窜改,损害(to alter improperly)
tangent [] adj. 离题的,不相关的(diverging from an original purpose of course:
tangible [] adj. 可感知的,明显的(palpable);切实的,明确的(material)
tangy [] adj. 强烈的,扑鼻的(having or suggestive of a tang)
tantrum [] n. 勃然大怒,发脾气(a fit of bad temper)
tardy [] adj. 缓慢的,迟缓的(moving slowly :sluggish)
taper [] vi. vt.(使)逐渐变细,(使)逐渐减少(progressively narrowed toward one end)
tasty [] adj. 十分吸引人的(strikingly attractive or interesting)
tatty [] adj. 破旧的,褴褛的(rather worn, frayed, or dilapidated•shabby)
taut [] adj.(绳子)拉紧的(tightly drawn)整洁的, 紧张的
tawdry [] adj. 俗丽的, 非常华丽的(cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality; ignoble)
tear [] vi. 流泪;撕破;猛冲,狂奔(to move or act with violence, haste, or force)
stygian [] adj. 漆黑的,幽暗的,地狱的(extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding)
subjugate [] vt. 征服,镇压(to bring under control and governance as a subject)
submerge [] vt. 浸没,淹没 vi. 潜入水中(to cover or overflow with water)
subservient [] a. 奉承的,屈从的(obsequiously submissive)
substantial []adj. 物质的;真实的(real);重要的(important, essential)
substantiate [] vt. 证实(verify);使实体化(to give substance or form to:embody)
substantive [] adj. 巨额的,大量的;本质的,主要的
subterfuge [] n. 托辞,狡计(a deceptive device or stratagem)
subtlety n. 微妙;微妙的想法
subvert [] vt. 颠覆,推翻(to overturn or overthrow from the foundation•ruin)
succeed v. 接着发生,接续 继承,继任
succinct [] adj. 简明的,简洁的(compact precise expression without wasted words)
succor [] vt. n. 救援,援助(to go to the aid of:relieve)
succumb [  ] vi. 屈从,屈服,死
suffocate [] v. 使窒息(to stop the respiration of)
suffrage [  ] n. 投票,选举权
sulk [] v. 生气,愠怒(to be sullen or morose in mood usually because of a grievance)
sully [ ] v. 弄脏,玷污,使丢脸
summary [] n. 摘要(an abstract) adj.即刻的,仓促的(done without delay or formality)
summon [] vt. 召集;传唤出庭(to command by service of a summons to appear in court)
sumptuous [] adj. 豪华的,奢侈的(extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent)
superimpose [] n.置于他物之上,重叠;添加(to place or lay over or above something)
supersede v. 替代,取代,接替,撤换 废弃