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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/28 21:01:51
   Generally referred to stone people usually associate it with: Nanjing Yuhuatai, all thought that the stone is produced in Yuhuatai area, in fact, this is only the people's misunderstanding.
   Ornamental Stones stone is one of the world in a wonderful, beautiful colors and patterns available for viewing. She mainly from the Yangtze River, Nanjing has beautiful scenery and Liuhe. Stone in order to "spend" the name of flower and crown rain, beautiful.
history and legend
   Gestation to stone formation, after the formation of primary, secondary layer of gravel and sediment removal of these three stages of the complex and lengthy, but also can be experienced significant romantic side of the vicissitudes of life. Stone, is a natural flower agate, mainly produced in Luhe District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, for the nation's largest stone origin. Produced by the quality of stone, shape, pattern, color, was like, six mood in both the United States, known as "heaven-sent David, the Chinese a must." Beautiful stone was appreciated, collectors have thousands of years of history, in recent years, weathering complex, the stone much at home and abroad who favor and become a gift from relatives and friends and enjoy a collection of precious gifts.
   Stone unique to the United States for China's stone, in百千kinds of stones, the stone can be called the best in Queens. Referred to stone, is a head start on the stone myth: the ancient legend of the platform is a Yuhuatai Yuhuatai concept, Yuhuatai Yuhuatai concept in a real person. Yuhuatai live a dignified and wise, deep Ruoxu, he staged a sit-in rather than by the Christian and Missionary Alliance, as if their is a MacGraw玄秘by the book. One day, Yuhuatai real open altar preaching. Implication, hanging river water into the root of the matter, cough spit into beads, the charm of the character and wisdom shocked many people moved heaven and even the gods, gods command joy of colorful rainy weather to rain. Colorful rainy weather杂沓shoulder to shoulder and the next one after another, like a treasure in the National Palace Museum in the landscape scroll Mi Fu. Yuhuatai泠泠rainwater percussion on stage in a粒粒turned into a stone like agate.
Chemical composition
   Silica stone composition is mainly composed of red iron ions and ferrous ions. Stone is a stone for the agate, opal, chalcedony, quartz pebbles, etc., found in the riverbed, river terrace sediments, of which the most famous Nanjing Yuhuatai stone output. Stone is divided into small two types of stone and rough stone, small stones to agate mainly stone delicate, bright colors, rounding high Jingying lovely; coarse to coarse stone, quartz or metamorphic rock mainly low value . Beautiful stone often can present a variety of landscape, figures, birds, animals, trees, such as a scene of people lost in conjunction Pina, thoughts into the stone, very beautiful.
   As a result of a wide range of stone, its causes and chemical composition is extremely complex. To agate gravel for example, from the original agate. Is generally believed that agate is a native of residual magmatic hydrothermal formation. Such hydrothermal filling in the volcanic rocks such as basalt, rhyolite gap as a result of the gap of different shapes, or into agate ball, or into a vein agate. After the role of the forces of nature, native agate falling out after the impact of flash floods, water handling, ground into gravel. This is what we have seen in the gravel layer Yuhuatai agate stone.
   Stria stone its surprising色艳known to the world of natural beauty. It is the ring-shaped pattern around the volcanic silica glue gap cavity, the wall began, from the outside-in multi-layered sediment layers formed. In its growth process, often with color ions and compounds the cycle of proliferation. Agate raw main chemical composition is silicon dioxide, followed by a small amount of iron oxide and traces of manganese, copper, aluminum, magnesium and other elements and compounds. They themselves have different colors, such as red for iron, copper for blue, purple for manganese, yellow translucent stone for myeloid colloidal silicon dioxide, emerald green color with minerals and so on; as a result of these ions into dioxide pigment hydrothermal silicon content in different types and, thus showing a bias, changing color depth, so colorful and beautiful scenery.Chinese knot
Historical presentation
   Code 70000 to the hundreds of thousands of years ago before the end of the Paleolithic Age, when the Shanding cave people already know that the use of bone needles and line mending skills, will be wearing animal skins stitched together to cover their bodies in the body to keep out the cold, that is to say, the Peak-dong people already know how to tie the rope together, then all sorts of knots on the gradual development of out. Early Chinese literature on the knot of the records, such as the I Ching: "The Elder结绳记事, saints also future generations of mutual covenant by the book." Han Zheng Xuan Zhouyi Note: The "big event of its rope knot, small nodules of its rope."
   Chinese knots from Paleolithic sewing knot, extended to the rites of the Han Dynasty Notepad,再演into today's decorative craft. Chou people wear jade portable often decorative Chinese knot, and the Warring States Period Bronze There is also a Chinese knot pattern continues until the Qing dynasty Chinese knot is really popular in the folk art of the time, when many used to interior decoration, gifts among friends and relatives and personal ornaments of the Walkman. In 69 years (1980), a group from Taiwan art-loving friends rope knot widely collected and research, because of its delicate appearance of symmetry, can represent a long history of the Chinese nation, in line with the practices of traditional Chinese decoration and aesthetic concepts, it is named for the Chinese knot.
   Chinese knot establishment, the community must be prepared, pump, repair process. The provision of various node is fixed, but may decide to pump knot elastic body, ears wing length, smooth and neat lines, you can fully demonstrate the art editor of the skills and self-cultivation. Repair, compared with the final knot modification, such as sewing beads, sizing and so on. Node changes as a result of numerous and elegant decoration, made of wire used in addition to cotton, hemp, silk, nylon and皮线, there are gold and silver and other metal wire can be used with, but also enhance the function of decorative Chinese knot, and the scope of application. Whether it is a variety of jewelry, clothing accessories and gift packaging landscaping, as well as a variety of indoor furnishings decorative items can be added with Chinese knot to beauty.
   Chinese knot is not only sleek, color variety, at the same time naming works, such as the "double life", "Double Happiness", "Ching Cheung Fung-lin," "跃龙门carp," "Fushou have both", "good luck", "more than Jiqing "," FANG Sheng Ping'an "... and so on, are unique to the Chinese auspicious symbol of good will of those of special significance to the relatives and friends played guitar, not only filled with joy and a thousand Italian intelligence million blessing.
   At present, China's basic knot knot more than 10 kinds of law, its name is based on the shape of knots, use, or the origin and meaning of the original names.
   For example,
   1. Two-money knot: the shape of ancient Chinese coins like two semi-stacked format, named.
   2. Button knot: used to fastens clothing, named after its function.
   3. Oxalis knot: its three external ear like Oxalis leaves, hence the name.
   4. Mission Kam knot: appearance similar Hanagata, named. Kam-knot knot-shaped Mission successful, dynamic, similar Hanagata guitar body is small but beautiful and not easy to loose, often inlaid stone beads, very beautiful.
   5. Cross knot: Colorectal the two sides, one for a word, one for the Crusaders, known as Cross knot.
   6. Auspicious knot: auspicious became an extension of Cross knot is also one of the oldest decorative knot, there are auspicious meaning auspicious. Law made simple, guitar-shaped appearance, but also very dynamic and very broad applications, when used alone, if the hoisting of heavy, guitar-shaped easy to deformation, may be fixed amorphous plastic.
   7. Million characters knot: the knot body lines to as a symbol of Buddhism, named.
   8. Disk long knot: basic shape as one of the Buddhist Babao disk long, long plate is a symbol of carrying out the circle is the origin of all things, is the most important one of the basic knot, many changes are often the main knot knot, but also because China has a close knot symmetrical features, so the visual sensory easily by ordinary people like.
   9. Caisson knot: compact structure, beautiful, like the ancient courtyard derived from the name. Well homonym and Kam, also known as caisson.
   10. Ping knot: Ping node is based on first-line or a dual axis, another line formed at both ends of the shuttle around the axis, flat-node uses a wide range of thickness can be used to connect the same string, but also the preparation of bracelets,挂链and other accessories.
   Chinese knot like Chinese calligraphy and painting, sculpture, ceramics, dishes, as it is easy to identify the foreigners out, we can see Chinese knots representative of the Chinese nation.
    Chinese knot Arts is unique to China handmade folk art knitting, it its unique oriental charm, rich and colorful changes, fully embodies the Chinese people's wisdom and profound culture. Bid to host the Olympic Games in Beijing, the Chinese knot as a symbol of traditional Chinese culture by a friend's favorite countries.
   Chinese people will be quite a long time ago learned how to tie a knot. And 『』 knot has been people's lives in China accounted for a decisive position, balance the importance of having this reason, the main one of the reasons is because it is a very practical technology. This can be from a number of historical and traditional customs see a clue: The earliest record
   As early as the late Paleolithic, that is, the culture of the Zhoukoudian Ruins Shanding cave people, they found bone needles 』『 existence. Since there are needles, then it also must have rope lines, it concluded that, when a simple guitar string and sewing technology should have been taking shape.
   1, the predecessor of text
   Copulative easy set: 『结绳记事Elder, generations of saints easy to book』 Lease, and and Zheng Xuan also note that the Book of Changes; 『big big knot of its rope, the rope』 small nodule in the Warring States Period Bronze seen Digital symbols are still rope knot shape, from these historical information, the knot was used as auxiliary memory is indeed a tool, it can be said to be the predecessor of the text.
   2, dressed in the habit of
   1) Clothing
   The earliest clothes do not today's buttons, zippers and other accessories, so if their clothes fastened, it can only use this method to tie a knot衣带.
   2) Yu-allocation
   Chinese people have always had the habit of Peiyu, ancient jade shapes Huang Yuh-pei, Yulong, jade and other □. Both in its drilling a small hole in order to cross the rope, Yuh-pei grades in these clothes. In addition, there are a set of Yuh-pei is a good combination of several different types of Yuh-pei Cheng Lin-lin sound of loud reading the long list, and its link to the method of course, by wearing non-knotted rope not.
   3) Application
   Print button and the mirror button
   An old Chinese saying to the Department of Indian section supervisor wear in his habits, the Chinese have been handed down more than India, Fang Fang and India have a button. Ancient bronze mirrors and the back of the central authorities have cast there mirror button, you can tether in order to facilitate the hand-held.
Decorative knot meaning: First, from the knot decorated shape; Second, select the homonym
   1. FANG Sheng knot - a safe journey home
   2. Double Butterfly knot - BizArt Shuangfei
   3. Ruyi knot -吉祥如意
   4. Mission Kam knot - best for the future
   5. XIANGYUN knot - XIANGYUN continuous
   6. Double Happiness knot - double
   7. Guihua knot - boundless wealth
   8. Reunion knot - a happy reunion
   9. Have this knot - sons and daughters have both
   10. Two-knot - sources Hengtong
   11. Beas knot - more than Jiqing
   12. Disk long knot - longevity centenarians
   13. Ping'an knot - wishful Ping'an
   14. Tongxin knot - never tie the knot
   15. Dual-link - both pairs
   16. Lei knot - more than Jiqing
   17 Fan Yi Pan knot - rock-solid as a mountain