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新概念英语第二册 课后练习题目 31课

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 02:35:01
新概念英语第二册 课后练习题目 31课
新概念英语第二册 课后练习题目 31课
A.在课文中划出所有过去进行时,一般过去式和含有used to do的句子
1.before he retired,Frank was the head of a very large business company,but as a boy he -----(work)in a small shop.It -----(be)his job to repair bicycles and that time he ----(work)fourteen hours a day.He -----(save)money for years and in 1958 he -----(buy)a small workshop.
2.Frank -----(smile)when he -------(remember)his hard early years.He still -----(smile)when the door ----(open)and his wife ----(come)in.
While my fife ----(work)in the kitchen,I---(sit)in the garden.I---(look)at cars which ---(pass)in the street,when a small car ---(stop)outside my gate and a man ---(get)out.I was most surprised to see that man was Ted Hale.We ---(be)at the same school years ago.In those days,Ted ---(come)to our house nearly every day and we often ---(go)out together.As he ---(get)out of his car,I ---(call)my wife and we both ---(hurry)out to greet an old friend
1 He is a very(experience)(experienced)doctor.
2 My father enjoys doing (jobs)(works) about the house.
3 I am looking for a new(work)(job).
4 The government is trying to persuade people to(economize) (save) money.
Frank (not only) (neither) (repaired) (made)his grandson's bicycle,(but)(also)went for a ride on it(as well)(both).He (said)(told)me later:‘I(make)(do)aeroplanes,(and) (but) I prefer bicycles.’
not only / repaired / but /as well / told /make
go for a ride/go for a walk 骑车出去/出去散步
ride a car/bicycle/horse
go for a ride on sth (对自行车只能用 “on” )
prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿
【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题
1 When he was a young man,Frank ____.
a. owned a small shop b.made spare parts for aeroplanes
c.made spare parts for bicycles d.worked hard and saved his money
(a)(b)选项是作为 “he was a youny man” 中的一个部分
3 Frank used to work in a small shop.He ______.
a.doesn't anymore b.still does c.is now d.has never done anything else
not anymore 不再
I will not make the mistake anymore.
4 He used to work fourteen hours a day.He did this ______ day.
a.one b.some c.each d.a
one day 有一天 / some day 某一天 / a 作为计量单位的一部分
I will beat you some day.总有一天我会打败你
every day / each day 每天
8 Frank is the ______ of a business company.
a.director b.headmaster c.superior d.leader
leader 起带头作用的人
headmaster 校长
direction 方向
director 管理公司或单位整个事务的人
(director n.主任,主管,导演,(机关)首长,(团体)理事,(公司)董事,指挥仪,控制器)
Frank is a director of a business company
superior 监理
(superior n.长者,高手,上级 adj.较高的,上级的,上好的,出众的,高傲的)
12 He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife ______.
a.went in b.entered in c.entered d.entered into
into 后面一定要加地点
enter 既是及物动词,也是不及物动词
enter=go in/come in 如 return=go back
go in 与 come in 都可以用enter代替,但go in(离说话人越来越远) 与 come in(离说话人越来越近) 方向不一样,文中强调的是 “进去” 而非 “进来”