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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 22:55:26
A.Option of home schooling is around for a long time
B.Recent years’ growth of home schooling
C.The unpleasant situation of school education
D.Advantages in home schooling
E.Parents should be responsible for child’s education
F.Home schooling is not a perfect choice
小题1:Home schooling is an option that is becoming more attractive to parents as time goes on. Schools have become increasingly unstable over the past couple of decades. The textbooks are outdated, violence is common, children are shot without mercy, and the quality of education on the whole has greatly diminished.
小题2:The option of home schooling has been around for a long time; however, until recently it had not been so popular. The idea of home schooling seems like a cure-all to many parents due to the advantages this type of education provides over traditional schools.
小题3:Children who are home schooled can avoid many of the problems schools have become known for. For one, the environment is less threatening. Children can learn without fearing other students. In addition, home schooling allows parents to dictate the academic course of their children. Home schooling also allows students to proceed at their own speed. If a child is weak at multiplication and division, a parent can focus lessons on those skills in favor of another skill that the child might understand rather easily.
小题4:It may sound like the perfect option, but there are many disadvantages of home schooling. First of all, home schooled children are usually less socialized. While schools can sometimes be the breeding ground for poor social behaviors, school is also a place where students learn to interact with others and build social skills. In addition, another drawback to home schooling could be implementation of an educational plan. Many parents are not qualified as teachers and may not understand what is necessary to ensure a child has access to the proper curriculum.
小题5:Finally, another disadvantage to home schooling is the necessity for parents to take full responsibility for their child’s education. If you choose to home school your child, there is no one for you to blame if your child does poorly. The responsibility falls completely on the parent.






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