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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 06:42:46
2.The different between party in a city and a party in a village :
first ,the party in a city always cost a lot of money ,but a party in a village always very cheap .Than ,a party in a city always have foods,drinks and fun things to do ,but a party in a village not always have foods ,sometimes they only have music and peoples !
3.A bad trip in my life ,bad trip means sometimes you don't have enough money to play ,or to buy foods ,but mine is :don't have any time to play .a beautiful day ,I got there ,but look at the time ,already time to go ,but we just got there ,we didn't even walk around ,but still we don't have time ,I think it the worst trip I've ever had !
4.The worst news I've ever read is when it April 14th ,Qinghai got a bad news which is there is a 7.1 earthquake in Qinghai ,there is a lot of people that are dead ,so let hope that they can all be strong ,be good !
5.A funny story named "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" ,the story is about a little boy who lived in a little village ,there is a lot of sheeps in this little village ,the boy take these sheep out and take care of them ,but one day ,he got an idea ,to cried wolfs and make fun of these adlut who keep the wolf away from the sheeps,he cried "Wolf!" ,the people come and help him ,but there is nothing happened ,the boy cried wolf again and again .Suddenly ,there is a real wolf ,but these time ,no one is going to help him !Because no one will believe a liar ,even he is telling the truth !
6.Scenice:Scenice is a amazing object ,because ,when you are doing scenice it might be dangrous ,but it a lot of fun doing scenice ,you can image everything that might happened ,but scenice is you must find out ,no guessing ,only find out ,you have to use your eyes ,nose ,hands ,mind ,fingers ,mouth ,youhave to use everything in you body ,that why scenice is a amazing object !
我只有中文的题目,需要用英语描述出来,是口语考题,只有两天准备时间了,实在是急得不行了英语又不好,希望英语好的朋友们帮帮 我英语不好,各位英语好的帮帮我!谢谢了.需要分析过程,谢谢. 西温哥华有国际小学吗就是有没有既教中文又有英文的.因为全家移民,妹妹只有7岁,英语又不好,实在是不知道该怎么办可是她现在 英语音标怎么学?英语的音标应该怎么读 又要怎么记?我刚刚上初一 只有两天时间准备 就要测试 很重要 请问谁能帮我总结一些 初二下册英语第一单元作文.题目是‘二十年后的我’!急求!在线等!只有一天时间啊! 我的心只有你(英语是)? 麻烦英语写作好的朋友们、帮帮我吧、拜托了 急!急!急!需要作文.关于名族团结的.题目是“手拉手 我们都是好朋友”.谢谢,我只有1个小时的时间上网时间,希望那个大家 英语口试考过的人 说是很简单,但我英语很不好,简单的问题也打不出来,所以想准备一下,背几个考题就是报考大学前的口语测试 准备出国 学英语头疼 想找个英语好的网友交个朋友 顺便帮帮我练习下口语能力 求英语作文思路英语作文的题目是:自由写作真的自由吗?要求五百字,你只需要给我个提纲中英文都行,实在想不出来了, 我是一个上班族,现在工作需要用英语,但是我的口语不好,平时又没有什么时间,应该如何提高英语口语能力呢?