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英语追加100分! 回答认真一定高分悬赏

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 12:31:37
英语追加100分! 回答认真一定高分悬赏
一、 ___will make a trip around the world during the summer vocation.选c
A.The Evens B.The Evens' C.The Evenses D.The Even's
二、He is ___as a leader but he hasn't ___in teaching .选b
a.success,many experience b.a success,much experience
c.great success ,an experience d.a great success ,a lot of experience
三、many of ___trees growing in north china can be made into ___fine paper.选c
a./ ,a b.the ,a c./,/ d.a ,the
四、towards ___end of the classroom ___cold rain began to fall.选d
a.a ,the b.the , a c.for , the d.the ,the
五、___of the planets has atmosphere around it.选d
a.not all b.some c.anyone d.not every one
六、i agree with most of what you said ,but i'don't agree with ___.选a
a.everything b.anything c.something d.nothing
我同意你大部分的,但我不同意你所有的 为什么不能选c我同意你大部分,但不同意你的小部分?
七、about 40___of the population of small town ___miners.选b
a. percents ,are b.percent ,are c.percents ,is d.percent ,is
八、the police ___still looking for the ___car.选c
a.is ,missing b.are ,missed c.are ,missing d.is ,missed
为什么选c?police 不是整体 谓语动词选单数么?
九、my home is near people's park.it is about___.选a
a.ten minutes'walk b.ten minute's walk
c.ten-minutes-walk d.ten-minute-walk
十、he promised to give me ___time to finish reading the magazine .选a
a.two-days b.two days c.two day's d.two days
为什么不选d,a用 - 字符在一起不是不能加s的吗?为什么?
十一、it's only___from here to the building .选b
a.a hundred foot away b.a hundred feet away
c.a hundred's foot away d.a hundred's feet away
十二、many a man ___their own opinion.选b
a.have b.has c.is d.are
十三、what he says and what he does ___.选b
a.do not agree b.dose not agree c.are different d.was different
十四、nothing but two books ___in the drawer.选c
a.are found b.have found c.is found d.has found
十五、before we moved into the new house ,we bought many ___.选c
a.furnitures b.furniture c.pieces of furniture d.pieces of furnitures
furniture不可数 为什么不能选b?
十六、one third of the population in the town ___miners.选c
a.has b.had c.are d.is
十七、___the largest ethnic group in Singapore.选b
a.chinese are b.the chinese is c.chinese is d.the chinese are
十八、when you cross the road ,be careful of ___.选d
a.traffic b.the traffics c.a traffic d.the traffic
十九、that everning ___Turners sat before a bright fire and had ___nice supper .选a
a.the,a b./,/ c./,a d.the,/
二十、there is still ___who said he was ___to reach the top of the mountain besides these two people .选c
a.the third one,first b.third one ,the one c.a third one ,the first d.the third,the first.
英语追加100分! 回答认真一定高分悬赏
一.表示一个家族 姓氏复数形式 如果这家人姓氏是even 那就选A
二 特定指样实物的时候success可数,后面的经验不可数
三 都是泛指不需要加限定词
四 都是特指
五 后面是has 前面就该用单数了
六 这个只能说看多了就有语感了,貌似外国佬根本不会那么说吧,我也希望有人能解释= =!
七 百分之几肯定是单数,后面很多人是矿工,用的是负数
八 the police指的应该是警方吧.别被整体什么的坑了,随意.
九 十分钟的路程,肯定选A啊,d那个是纯名词了 不过 用ten-minute walk 也行
十 这个我不清楚了,感觉two-day 是对的但木有这个选项
十一 一百的百是不用复数的 单位那个是复数
十二 many a 名词单数 是强调很多每一个单个 后面用单数
十三 言行不一 如果后面是is也对的
十四 but books 你把它看成一个插入语就行了,别去背什么就近就后原则,这个理解就行了
十五 这个不可数
十六 这个同上面人口一题
十七 the+名词 表示一类 看到后面 group了么,反过来想也可以想出是用单数
十八 交通 指一类的
十九 某一顿饭是 a supper 前面那个the参照第一题
二十 ...这个a third one 这个答案我也无法合理解释,一般就这么用的,比如两方火拼,然后又有第三方介入,第三方就被称为 the 3rd party concerned = =!后面一个选项也不多解释了,就是第一个.