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only too是形容词性短语还是名词性短语

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 18:05:45
only too是形容词性短语还是名词性短语
only too是形容词性短语还是名词性短语
only too
adv 极,非常
1.i shall be onlytoo pleased to get home .我要回到家里就非常高兴.
2.i was onlytoo glad to help him if he asked ..如果他提出来,我乐得帮助他.
3.she was onlytoo ready to agree .她这个人太容易与人合拍了.
4.this is a kind of mistake which is onlytoo common .这种错误实在是太普遍了.
5.if you would like me to help you ,i would be onlytoo glad to .若要我帮忙,我十分乐意相助.
6.with brandt we understood his basic point onlytoo well .对勃兰特,我们对他的心思摸得太透了.
7.mrs.durbeyfield was onlytoo delighted at this tractability .德北太太见她这么听话,只有大喜.
8.i am onlytoo pleased .那我是高兴极了.
9.it 's onlytoo natural that he will be thwarted in his ambitions .他的图谋将遭到挫败是很自然的事.
10.she remembered onlytoo well the sufferings and humiliations of poverty .从前的穷苦屈辱,她一辈子也忘不了.