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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 17:00:21
_1 Oh,I come from a land From a faraway place噢,我来自一个遥远的国度
_2 Where the caravan camels roam一个沙漠骆驼队徜徉的地方
_3 Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense那里平坦宽阔、广袤无边、酷热难耐
_4 It's barbaric,but hey, it's home那里的人们放荡不羁,但是,嗨!它是我的家
_5 When the wind's from the east And the sun's from the west当风从东边刮过,太阳从西方照过来
_6 And the sand in the glass is right在玻璃瓶里的土地一切完美无暇
_7 Come on down, stop on by,hop a carpet and fly来吧,来到这里吧跳上飞毯飞向
_8 To another Arabian night另一个阿拉伯之夜
_9 Arabian nights阿拉伯之夜
_10 Like Arabian days就象阿拉伯的白天
_11 More often than not Are hotter than hot经常是火一般的热情
_12 In a lot of good ways有很多好的方法
_13 Arabian nights阿拉伯之夜
_14 'Neath Arabian moons沉浸在阿拉伯的月光下
_15 A fool off his guard could fall and fall hard提高警惕,谨防骗子,否则你会跌的很惨
_16 Out there on the dunes 在那边的沙丘上
_17 Ah, salaam, and good evening to you, worthy friend.尊敬的朋友,晚上好
_18 Please, please, come closer.来,来,靠近些
_19 Too close. A little too close.太近了,有点太近了
_20 There.好了
_21 Welcome to Agrabah 欢迎来到阿古拉巴
_22 City of mystery 一座神秘之城
_23 Of enchantment 这里到处都是魔法
_24 And the finest merchandise this side of the river Jordan, on sale today. 约旦河边最好的商品今天销售
_25 Come on down.大减价了
_26 Look at this. Yes.看看这个,对
_27 Combination hookah and coffeemaker,also makes julienne fries.水烟袋和咖啡壶的混合体,还可以切土豆条
_28 Will not break,will not...它不会碎,不会...
_29 It broke.碎了
_30 Ohh! Look at this.噢!再来看看这个
_31 I have never seen one of these intact before.我从未见过这么美妙的东西
_32 This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware.这是著名的死海特百惠牌塑料盒
_33 Listen. Ah, still good.听听,哈,还是好的
_34 Wait,don't go.等等,别走啊
_35 I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare.可以看出来你只对那些稀世珍宝感兴趣
_36 I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this.我想,你值得考虑一下这玩意
_37 Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance.不要被它普通的外表所蒙蔽
_38 Like so many things, it is not what is outside,but what is inside that counts.象许多事情一样,不能以貌取人,但内在的东西才算数
_39 This is no ordinary lamp.这不是一盏普通的灯
_40 It once changed the course of a young man's life.它曾改变了一个年轻人的一生
41 A young man who, like this lamp, was more than what he seemed.那个年轻人象这盏灯一样,比他的外表更出色
_42 The diamond in the rough.他象一块璞玉,外粗内秀
_43 Perhaps you would like to hear the tale?或许你想听听这个故事?
_44 It begins on a dark night where a dark man waits with a dark purpose.那是一个漆黑的夜晚,一个隐藏在黑暗中的人等待着邪恶的到来
_45 You are late.你来晚了
_46 A thousand apologies, O Patient One.对您的耐心致以十万分的抱歉
_47 You have it then?那么你拿到了?
_48 I had to slit a few throats, but I got it.我不得已杀了几个人,但是我拿到了
_49 The treasure.我的珠宝呢
_50 Trust me, my pungent friend.相信我,可怜的朋友
_51 You'll get what's coming to you.你会得到你那份的
_52 What's coming to you. Awk!你的那份
_53 Quickly! Follow the trail.快! 跟上它
_54 Faster.再快点
_55 At last, after all my years of searching the Cave of Wonders.经过这么多年的努力,我终于找到了奇幻谷
_56 Awk. Cave of Wonders.喔,奇幻谷
_57 By Allah.真主
_58 Now, remember. Bring me the lamp.现在给我记住, 把那盏神灯给我拿来
_59 The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine.其余的珠宝都是你的,但是神灯是属于我的
_60 Awk, the lamp, Awk, the lamp.神灯,神灯
_61 Jeez, where'd ya dig this bozo up?天哪,你是从哪儿找到这蠢家伙的?
_62 Shh.嘘
_63 Who disturbs my slumber?谁把我吵醒了?
_64 It is I, Gazeem,a humble thief.是我,贾西姆,一个卑贱的小偷
_65 Know this.知道了
_66 Only one may enter here,one whose worth lies far within.只有一个人可以进去,一个品质优秀的人
_67 A diamond in the rough.象一块璞玉,深藏不露
_68 What are you waiting for? Go on.你还等什么? 快去
_69 No!不!
_70 Seek thee out the diamond in the rough.找到他,那个深藏不露的人
_71 I can't believe it, I just don't believe it.我不敢相信,我真的不敢相信
_72 We're never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp.我们可能永远也找不到那盏蠢灯了
_73 Just forget it,look at this,look at this.别想它了,看看
_74 I'm so ticked off that I'm molting.气死我了,毛都掉光了
_75 Patience, lago,patience.耐心点,拉戈,耐心点
_76 Gazeem was obviously less than worthy.贾西姆显然还达不到那条标准
_77 Oh, there's a big surprise.刚才太让我吃惊了
_78 That's incredible,I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from that surprise.真是难以置信的,快要犯心脏病了,真吓死我了
_79 What are we gonna do? We got a big problem here, a big...下一步打算怎么做? 我们遇到大麻烦了,一个大...
_80 Yes.是的
_81 Only one may enter.只有一个人可以进去
_82 I must find this one, this diamond in the rough.我必须找到这个人,这个深藏不露的家伙
_83 Stop! Thief!站住!抓小偷!
_84 I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat.我要把你的双手砍下来,叫化子
_85 All this for a loaf of bread?就为一条面包?
_86 There he is!他在这!
_87 You won't get away so easy!你不会这么轻易逃掉的!
_88 You think that was easy?你觉得那很容易吗?
_89 You two, over that way, and you, follow me.你们两个,去那边 你,跟我来
_90 We'll find him.我们会抓到他的
_91 Morning, ladies.女士们,早上好
_92 Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we, Aladdin?阿拉丁,今天遇上麻烦可有些早啊?
_93 Trouble? No way,you're only in trouble if you get caught.麻烦? 不可能,如果被抓了才能算麻烦
_94 I'm in trouble.我遇到麻烦了
_95 And this time...这次...
_96 Perfect timing, Abu, as usual.来的正好,阿布,象往常一样
_97 Come on,let's get outta here.快点,让我们离开这
_98 Gotta keep one jump Ahead of the bread line.每天必须跑在救济队伍的前面
_99 One swing ahead of the sword.在锋利的剑锋前闪躲
_100 I steal only what I can't afford.我偷东西只是因为我没有钱
_101 That's everything.这就是一切
_102 One jump ahead of the lawmen.与警察周旋
_103 That's all and that's no joke.就这样,那可不是闹着玩的
_104 These guys don't appreciate I'm broke.这些家伙可不会感激我这个穷光蛋
_105 Riffraff.败类
_106 Street rat.叫花子
_107 Scoundrel.无赖
_108 Take that.给你
_109 Just a little snack, guys.这只是一顿快餐,伙计
_110 Rip him open Take it back, guys.要将他撕碎,把东西追回来,伙计们
_111 I can take a hint Gotta face the facts.我明白必须面对现实
_112 You're my only friend, Abu.你是我唯一的朋友,阿布
_113 Who?谁?
_114 Oh, it's sad Aladdin's hit the bottom噢,可怜的阿拉丁真是穷到家了
_115 He's become a one-man rise in crime他已经罪行累累了
_116 I'd blame parents except he hasn't got 'em我该狠狠责备他的父母, 可他是个孤儿
_117 Gotta eat to live Gotta steal to eat吃饭是为了活着, 偷东西是为了吃饭
_118 Tell you all about it when I got the time有时间的话,我会坦白一切
_119 One jump ahead of the slowpokes,one skip ahead of my doom和那些笨蛋捉迷藏, 在厄运面前挣扎
_120 Next time gonna use a nom de plume下次会用个笔名