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介词 ON 和BY 的区别

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 20:27:18
介词 ON 和BY 的区别
介词 ON 和BY 的区别
一、by+地点名词.表方位,意为:“在…旁边”.如:by the lake/river/tree/window/door等.
She searched the top of the hill and stopped to rest on a big rock by the side of the path.(NMET90)她搜索了山顶,然后停下来在路边的一块大石头上休息.
After supper she would sit down by the fire,sometimes for as long as an hour,thinking of her young and happy days.(2003上海·春)晚饭后,她常坐在火旁,有时长达一个小时地回忆她那青春、快乐的年代.
As we boys were rushing towards the playground,Jim slipped by the table.(NMET92完形)当我们这些男生冲向操场时,吉姆从桌旁溜过.
二、by+时间名词.意为:“到…时(已发生某事),此时谓语多用完成时;最晚、不迟于…,在…之前”.如:by now/then/this time/next Friday/the end of/three o`clock等.
By the end of last year,another new gymnasium had been completed.(2003上海·春)到去年年底,又有一座新体育馆峻工了.
The train leaves at 6:00 pm.So I have to be at the station by 5:40 pm at the latest.(NMET97)火车下午六点开,所以最晚我得五点四十赶到车站.
1、by+the+可数的时间、长度、重量等名词.意为:“按…计算,按…买(卖)”.如:by the pound/ton/yard/meter/dozen/bale/day/month等.
Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by the hour.(NMET98)城市里的女清洁工通常按小时获得报酬.
In the market,tobacco is sold by the bale,eggs by the dozen and salt by the pound.在市场里,烟叶按捆卖,鸡蛋按打卖,盐按磅卖.
2、by+表示时间、长度、重量等总称的不可数名词(名词前不加冠词).意为:“按…计算,按…买(卖)”.如:by time/volume/length/weight/height/depth/width/area等.
As we all know,the freight of the luggage is charged by weight.众所周知,行李的运费是按重量计算的.
3、by+交通工具、交通方式名词(名词前不加冠词,不变复数).意为:“通过…,由…,乘…”.如by train/rail/tube/taxi/bus/truck/bike/boat/plane;by land/road/sea/water/air等.(on foot)
It takes a long time to go there by train;it`s quicker by road.(或by bus)(NMET93)乘火车去那儿要花很长时间,公路比较快.
“I usually go there by train”.“Why not try going by boat(或water)for a change?”(NMET92)“我常乘火车去那儿.”“为何不尝试一下坐船呢?”
4、by+抽象名词或具有抽象意义的普通名词(名词前不加冠词,不变复数).意为:“靠…,通过…,由…所致”.如:by skill/determination/practice/diligence/inference/chance/accident;by mail/letter/radio/fax/telephone/telegraph/hand/machine等.
Although he had been searching in the wrong area most of the time,he found it by logic,not by luck.(NMET2002阅读)虽然他曾大部分时间一直在错误的地方寻找,但他还是靠逻辑推理而非运气,找到了它.
I made a coat with my own hands.It was made by hand,not by machine. 我用双手织了一件外套.它是用手工织的,而不是机器织的.
5、by+ 地点或工具等具体名词.表路线、途径,意为:“通过(某物、某地),取道…”.如:by a stone bridge/the back door/the freeway/country roads等.
The man entered the room by the back door.那人通过后门进入了房间.
6、by+动词—ing.意为:“通过…,靠…,凭…”.如:by waiting/practing/begging/working/imitating等.
He gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers.(NMET95)他通过印刷著名作家的作品而获得了巨大的财富.
Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. Similarly,our minds are developed by learning.(2000上海)身体是靠锻炼强壮的,同样,大脑是靠学习开发的.
1、表升降、增减的程度.如:by one-fifth/20 percent/£3/two feet等.
With production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(NMET2000)产量上升了百分之六十,这家公司今年的业绩极好.
The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year.(NMET2002阅读)对绿色食品的需求每年在增长大约三分之一.
2、表示距离和面积、体积中的尺寸及乘除法中的运算.如:by 2cm/6 inches/four feet/nine yards/a hair`s breadth等.
Luckily,the bullet narrowly missed the captain by an inch.(2002上海)幸运地是,那颗子弹差一英寸就击中了上尉.
The bed is three meters wide by two meters long,and can fit at least four at one time.(NMET2001阅读)那张床三米宽,两米长,一次至少可以睡四个人.
五、by+身体部位名词或衣服名词.表示被抓住身体/衣物的某一部分,常与动词catch/seize/take/hold/grab等连用.如:by the hair/hand/arm/nose/horns;by the collar/lape/sleeve等.
The policeman caught the thief by the arm.警察抓住了小偷的胳膊.
The soldier grabbed the child by the collar.那个士兵揪住了孩子的衣领.
by means of/by way of/by the way/one by one/step by step/side by side/shoulder by shoulder/by oneself/by birth/by society/take…by surprise/learn…by heart/what do you mean by …/by my watch等.
(1) 作介词:
1. 表示位置:在……上
Mary’s coat is on the desk .
They’re going to work on a farm .
There are many apples on the trees .
I have them on this piece of paper .
There was a big smile on her face .
Jim and Li Lei meet on the road outside Li Lei’s house .
Which channel is it on ?
2. 表示时间:在……(天)
Everyone eats mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Day .
They arrived early on a Tuesday morning .
I eat mooncakes on that day .
I was born on February 18 , 1981 .
Either Tuesday or Wednesday is OK . I’ll be free on these days .
3. 关于……
In the library she has got books on many different subjects .
(2) 作副词,与动词连用,构成短语:
1. come on跟我来,加油
“Come on !”they shouted .
2. get on上(车)
Let’s get on the bus .
3. get on with(sb. )与(某人相处)
Usually we get on very well with each other .
4. go on继续
Autumn starts in August , and goes on to October .
Go on until you reach the end .
5. hold on(for a moment)别挂断电话,等一等
A : Hello ! Could I speak to the headmaster , please ?
B : Hold on for a moment , please . I’m sorry , he isn’t here right now . May I help you ?
6. put on穿上,戴上,上演
Put it on , please Lily .
Don’t be late——oh , and put on your old clothes .
7. try on试穿(衣服),试试看
Shall I ask the shopkeeper if I can try it on ?
8. turn on开,旋开(电灯,无线电等)
I turned on the radio .
Turn it on .
9. pass on传递
They both passed on their sticks at the same time .
10. go on with(sth. )继续做……
They went on with their work .
11. walk on继续走
Walk on and turn left .
(3) A. 作介词,与动词连用,构成短语:
1. go on继续
He quickly got up and went on running .
2. spend … on在……花费
I like writing to my penfriend , but I can’t spend much time on it .
3. keep on继续
I kept on thinking about the match in the afternoon .
4. knock on敲
The boy is knocking on the door .
5. work on致力于
He works on the Great Green Wall with many other people .
Please tell Mr. Hu that I am working hard on my Chinese .
6. live on靠……为生
They lived on potatoes .
7. call on访问,拜访
I called on you .
B. 作介词,与名词连用,构成短语:
1. on foot走路,步行
I see you’re on foot today .
2. on the / one’s way to在途中,在路上
On her way home she bought a new pen at a shop .
3. on time 准时;不早不晚
You must always return your library book on time.
4. on duty值日
Who’s on duty today .
5. on show展览;陈列
They saw many old things on show in glass-topped tables .
6. on(the)earth在地球上
Two thousand years ago , there were only 250 million people on the earth .
7. on the left/ right在左(右)边
Walk along this road and take the fourth turning on left .
8. on the radio通过收音机,以无线电的方式
She said that she heard a very interesting programme on the radio .
9. on TV通过电视,以电视的形式
We can watch a football match on TV .
10. on top of在……上面(顶部)
Can you see much grass on top of the rock ?
11. on the team在队里
Neither of them is on the team .
12. on a visit在访问
Xia Yi is on a visit to England .
13. on fire着火
The building is on fire .
14. on holiday休假,度假
You and your family are away on holiday .
15. on sale出售
The meat is on sale in the market.
(4) 其他
1. and so on等等
There are different kinds of vegetables in the shop , such as tomatoes , potatoes , carrots , peas , cabbages and so on .
2. on and on继续,不断
They talked on and on very happily .
3. from now on从此以后,今后
Please be more careful from now on .
4. later on过后,以后
The radio says the rain will stop later on