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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 07:57:48
现在大学生就业难,一份好工作,一份让自己满意的工作更不好找,开间迷你西餐厅不仅仅为了就业,也是为了锻炼自己,把自己兴趣和现实相结合是不错的尝试,并且是充满鼓励和动力的,是个人价值和社会价值的相结合,不仅自己解决就业问题,而且这个问题对大学毕业生具有现实和指导意义,就是对现在正在或即将寻找工作的人,或者已经有了工作的人,也是一面镜子,不论你怎样,只要有理想,有干劲,肯干,就能做到,哪怕不是很成功,请记住过程最重要.\x05 西餐厅的特征总的来说明,富有异域情调,设计语言上要结合近现代西方的装饰流派而灵活运用.西餐厅的家具多采用二人桌、四人桌或长条型多人桌.
nowadays, college students face difficulty in getting employment. it is even hard to find a good and satisfactory job. a mini western restaurant is a good choice to get employment and also to train oneself. and at the same time one can combine one's intrests and reality well in this try. it is full of encouragement and motivition and a combinition of self value and social value of a person. to run such a restaurant not only solves the problem of employment of oneself,but also is of realistic value to guide the graduates, the job hunters, the employees to be and the employees. thus no matter which situation you are in, just hold tight your dream, strength and the willing to work, then nothing can be impossible. if you fail, get over it soon and bear in mind that it is the process that matters most. generally speaking, the characteristics of a western restaurant are of exotic emtional appeal and the adornment of the western style should be flexibily used in the design of it. a table for two, table for four or a long table for more are usually adopted in a western restaurant.