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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/15 12:31:43
Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use.others ,however,think it is not right to do that.discuss both of the views and give you own opinion
Nowadays in order to test if a medicine is suitable and safe for humans ,it is always been used on animals in the first place.However,there are different ideas on this topic,some are supportive ,while the others are opposite to it.In my view,using animals as experimental subjects has an undeniable advantage.
Undoubtedly,people who agree with the view of testing medicines on animals suppose humanbeings are prior to animals.This policy might bring about benefits in two followed aspects,which are economy and social inflence.Honestly,enterprises choose animals to test their medicines which have not sell in the market is not without reasons.Buying animals such as rats is much too economical than hiring a person to cooperate with the experiment.Additionally,if the experiment lead to a damaging result,the enterprise would have to pay a huge amount of compensation to a man but nothing to a animal .Secondly ,social inflence is another element that has to be considered.A failed testing on animals and on humanbeings will lead to totally different feedbacks from society.All in all,people care more about their silblings.
Testing medicines on animals is not environmental friendly at all.Although taking tests on animals poses these advantages above ,it is still unacceptable for some people,since the nature of testing unknown medicines on animals is putting them in a risky place.Many animal protectors are angered by the behavior of ignoring animals` right of living.To a certain extent,these people regard animals as a part of nature as equal as humanbeings,because they are both living creatures.
As far as I am concerned,I propose that testing medicines on animals would be a smarter decision,if the pharmaceutical companies try their best to reduce the risk that animals being harmed.
5.5-6分的水平把,套用了很多模板,我感觉是参加了什么环球雅思,新东方之类的培训之后写出的文章.句型结构可以写更多的复合句.单词用的也比较简单,也就是说没什么亮点.语法什么的就不说了,我也不是专业的.100个考雅思的,98个都参加了培训 95个写出来的文章和这都差不多,如果你的单词和语法没有优势,就想点新观点.你不觉得你聚的例子太大众了.
再问: 没关系 有批评才有进步。我是自己看书看出来的,我也担心自己被归入模板,但是这样的结构不能用不会显得混乱吗?到底怎么样才算是没用模板呢。。事实上这篇我是写跑题了的。。请您再帮我看一篇行吗 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/311121869.html 谢谢
再答: 你那篇关于 art subjects 的文章好像回答不了了。 我原来学英语的时候,老师经常说 thinking in chinese , writing in english. 我原来考雅思的时候也套模板,因为单词量不足,和涉及到很多语法问题,中文想的很好,翻译成英文写不出来。 如果你单词量够足,就把单词写难点。 nowdays改成In contemporary society. diabetes. high blood pressure. cancer. cardiovascular disease and super bacteria generated by antibiotics abuse ........... 大概就是这么个意思吧 ,写点高分词。 我大概从2年前起每天看半个小时的BBC 新闻,积累了这些单词,帮助很大的,www.bbc.co.uk. 现在上班了也坚持在看,拿手机看 用安卓的手机 有个专门的BBC APP 很方便...