作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 12:13:50
Abour yourself :li hua,Class 8 Grade 8,like meeting people,friendly,hobby
Suggestions:Make friends,talk with,read books,listen to...,do sports
How tu help her
开头Hi Mary
I'm sorry to hear than you feel very lonely these days in China
Dear marry,
After reading your letter,I know that you worry about your life
here at school.
Don't worry,Marry.It's common that when you com to a new
country,you will be faced with a lot of challenges like language learning.I
should say,our students here are really nice and helpful.Besides,you can ask
your teachers for help when you meet with problems.They love their students,even
those from abroad.
In my opinion,you should learn to be brave and try to
communicate with your classmates.The closer you stay with them,the more they
will understand you.your confidence will grow as you get to know them,and you'll
certain find that you have many friends.
have a good time in
Li Hua
英语作文:假如你是李华,在校园网论坛上看到了美籍交换生Mary的贴子.她因为刚到中国,感到很孤独. 请写一篇英语小作文假如你是李华,在校园论坛上看到了美籍交换生Mary的帖子.她应为刚到中国,感到孤独.请你给她写一个回帖 《高一英语作文》求助…假如你是李华.在一个英文论坛上,你看到一个名叫Mike 英语作文速求.八下的假如你是李明.在论坛上看到了约翰的烦恼请提示给他一些建议?, john:my parents ask 书面表达:假如你是Kate,你的朋友Mary感到很沮丧,因为她的学习压力很大,英语成绩又不好. 求一篇英语作文假定你是李华,是校报的一名英文编辑.你校一位来自美国的交流学生Mary,向你写信诉说她刚到中国时,遇到了语 英语翻译假如你是Mary,在某英文网站看到了上述贴子.请你来写写令你难忘的事把!写你参加过什么让你难忘的活动,在什么地方 假如你是李华,你的笔友Tara三天前来信向你倾诉了她的烦恼,她的学习成绩很好但朋友不多经常感到孤独 假如你的名字叫Lisa.你的笔友Tara上周来信向你倾诉了她在班上学习成绩很好,但朋友很少,感到孤独的烦恼, 英语作文 假如你是李华,刚交了一位美国笔友Emily,她想请你介绍一下中国的情况,请根据以下要点写一封信 求一篇约100词左右的英语作文.假如你是李华,作为一名交换生刚结束在英国为期一个月的学习.学习期间... 假如你是王芳,你今天在学校英语论坛上看到大家在讨论自己的业余爱好.请你根据一下提示,向同学们介绍自己的业余爱好.