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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 20:15:39
解题思路: 复习资料
Unit 3
Section A
固定短语 1. be busy with sth / be busy doing sth 忙于某事 2. get out of ···从···出来 3. walk down the street 沿着街走 4. at around ten o‘clock 在大约10点钟 5. an unusual experience 一个不寻常的经历 6. take a shower 洗澡 7. on one’s way to 在某人去~~的路上 8. as a country tercher 作为一名乡村教师 9. hurt one’s feeling 伤害某人的感情 10. take off 飞机起飞;脱下衣服 11. go after = follow 跟随 12. begin to do sth 开始去做某事
重点句型 1. The boy was walkingdown the streetwhenthe UFO landed. 当UFO着路的时候,这个男孩正沿着街走。
2.Whilethe boy was walking down the street ,the UFO landed.
When / while 都有“当~~时”之意,引导时间状语从句。短暂性谓语动词的句子用一般过去时态,延续性动词用过去进行时态。
Section B
固定短语 1. take photos 照相 2. in /on a tree 在树上(in指不是长于树上的,on 指树上本身有的) 3. Think about=think of 考虑;对···的看法 4. run away 逃跑 5. get a letter from sb 收到某人的来信
重点句型 1. What were you doing at 7:00~~9:00 yesterday evening. 昨天晚上7点到九点你正在做什么?
Shelf check
固定短语 1. on the morning of Apirl 20 在四月二十日的早晨(在具体的日期前用on) 2. at the doctor‘s 在医务室(在诊所,家,理发店等地方时不用写出地点) 3. have English class 上英语课 4. heard about 听说 5. ask sb (not) to do sth 让某人(不)做某事 6. take place = happen 发生 7. tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事 8. have fun doing sth 做某事很快乐 9. remember to do sth 记得要去做某事
remember doing sth 记得做过某事 10. all over the world 遍及全世界 11. in front of 在~~的前面(指两个物体,一个在另一个前方) in the front of 在~~的前部分(在同一空间内的前部分) 12. help sb with sth 在某一方面帮助某人
本单元语法 1. 过去进行时态
在此种时态中常出现的时间性短语包括:at that / this time yesterday;at 5:00~~6:00 yesterday morning ~~~
肯定句:主语 + was / were + V-ing + ~~~
否定句:主语 + was / were not + V-ing + ~~~
一般疑问句:was / were +主语 + V-ing + ~~~ ?
特殊疑问句:when / what /who /~~ + was / were + 主语 + V-ing + ~~~ ?
How + adj(形容词)+ 主语 + 谓语 1) 这个电影太有趣了! 2) 那个小女孩如此的聪明!
What + a / an +adj + n + 主语 + 谓语 1) 今天的天气真是太晴朗了! 2) 这种花的颜色真鲜艳啊!
3.几种“到达”的表示方法:arrive / reach / get to 1) Arrive 是不及物动词,后面要加宾语中间需要加介词 in / at. Arrive in指到达国家,城市等大地方,arrive at 指到达车站,办公室,家等小的地点. 2) reach 是及物动词,后面可直接加宾语。如:reach home 3) get 也为不及物动词,后面加介词to 再加宾语。
meet — met (遇见,遇到) run — ran (跑)
ride — rode (骑车) see — saw (看见)
get — got (得到,获得) think —thought (想,认为)
take —took (带着,拿着) say —said (说)
1 be mad at 意为“生……的气”相当于be angry with 。例如:
你生吉姆的气吗? Are you mad at Jim?
王先生生我们的气了。Mr Wang is angry with us.
2 辨析bring, take, carry, get & fetch
bring意为“带来,拿来”;take意为“带走,拿走”;carry 则表示“提,搬,扛”,不强调方向性,但有负重之意;get表示到某处把某人某物“去取来,去拿去”;fetch也表示“取来”与 get意思差不多,get更用于口语。例如:
Father brought me a present from China.爸爸从中国给我带来一件礼物。
Please take the book to Tom.请把这本书拿给汤姆。
Go and get some water.去弄点水来。
The teacher said, “ Who can fetch some chalk for me?”老师问:“谁能替我去取点粉笔。”
They are carrying water and watering the young trees.他们在挑水浇这些小树苗。
3 not…any more
not… any more 意思是“不再”=no more.类似还有not…any longer =no longer,也表示“不再”。例如:
He isn’t here any more.= He isn’t here any longer.
= He is no more here. = He is no longer here.
I am not mad at Marcia any more. 我不再生玛西亚的气了。
4 watch, see, read & look at
watch 指目不转睛地盯着看,一般说watch TV, watch a football game.
see 一般和film搭配。
read 一般指看书,看报:read newspaper, read books, read magazines.
look at一般加宾语,如look at the blackboard, please.
5 borrow , lend, return辨析
borrow 意为“借入”, 即说话人向别人借东西供自己使用。常用borrow sth from sb.结构,是终止性动词,不能与延续性时间状语连用。例如:
I’m going to borrow some books from the library.我打算从图书馆借一些书。
lend意为“借出”,即说话者把自己的东西借给别人用。常用lend sb sth或lend sth to sb句型。它也是终止性动词。例如:Can you lend me your bike? 你能把自行车借给我吗?
要把borrow 和lend该为延续性动词,则改为keep, “保存”。例如:How long may I keep the picture-book?这本画册我可以借多久?
return意为“归还,返回”。相当于give back或come or go back.
注意:本身有back的含义,不能说return back.例如:
She will return to her homeland for summer vacation.她将回家乡度假。
I must return these books to him on time.我必须按时把这些书还给他。
6 be good at…意为“在…方面成绩好”,“擅长于…”,与do well in 同义。
而象I’m better at ..就是 do well in 的比较级。因为good 和well 的比较级都是better,最高级都是best.例如:
Tom is good at playing basketball.
= Tom does well in playing basketball. 汤姆很会打篮球。
7 be supposed to do sth.被期望, 应该…做…例如:
Are you supposed to read and listen to some English every morning?
Everybody is supposed to know the law, but few people do.
8 It’s not easy to be one of these volunteers.做志愿者不是件容易的事。
这是个简单句。It 是形式主语,to be one of these volunteers 才是真正的主语。象这种不定式,动名词或从句作主语时,往往后置,而用it 作形式主语,使人易于看清句子结构,方便理解。例如:
It is foolish of you to be still worrying about it.你真傻,还在为这事着急。
9 They make you feel like a big brother or sister, or even a parent.
make sb do sth 句型。make 后的动词不定式作宾补时,往往省略to。该句中feel like 是不定式作宾语的补足语。feel like “感到象…” 还可以说look like“看起来象…”例如:
The cat looks like a tiger. 这只猫看起来象老虎。
like 既可以作形容词,又可以作介词。通常把不属于同一类型的人或物进行比较,意为“象”;而as不同,它强调的是归纳,判断,as 前后两部分所指通常为一类,可以完全相等。因此译为“作为”。例如:
He works hard like a worker.他象工人一样勤奋地劳动。(他不是工人.)
He works hard as a worker.他是一名工人,工作勤奋。(他是工人。)
10 Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you.
Teaching high school students动名词作主语,介词短语in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province 表示地点,作定语后置。如:
The boy on the bike is my brother.骑自行车的男孩是我的哥哥。(on the bike 后置)
The woman near the door is her mother.门边的妇女是她妈妈。(near the door 后置)
2)fun 在此作名词,意为:乐趣,玩笑,娱乐等。同时fun 还可以作形容词。例如:
He is a fun man. 他是一个有趣的人。
That’s a fun car. 那是一辆娱乐用的车。
1. be good at=do well in 比较级为 be better at=do better in. 其中at和in都是介词后面要跟代词、名词、动名词 例:和弹钢琴相比,我更擅长打网球。 I am better at playing tennis than playing the piano.=I do better in playing tennis than playing the piano. 2. 身体健康 be in good health=be healthy= be well 相似结构 be in silence=be silent 保持健康 keep in good health=keep healthy 3. 紧张的 be/get/become/feel nervous. 例:不要紧张。Don’t be nervous. 4. luck:不可数名词,意为运气, 好运, 幸运。 例: 祝你好运。Good luck! lucky: 形容词,意为幸运的;修饰名词或用于be动词后做表语。反义词为unlucky。 例1:他是一个幸运的家伙。He is a lucky dog. 例2:他是如此的幸运。 He is so lucky. luckily:副词,意为幸运地,幸亏。常用于句首。反义词为unluckily 例1:幸运的是,他通过了年终考试。 Luckily, he passed his end-of-year exams. 例2: 幸运的是,这附近有一家医院。 Luckily,there is a hospital near here. 5. have a hard time: (做某事)费劲、吃力,其后接with短语或动名词短语。 例1:这学期我的科学学得很吃力。I had a hard time with science this semester. 例2:我通过数学考试很吃力。 I had a hard time passing the math test. 6. be surprised to do sth: 对……很吃惊。 我吃惊地发现我的狗已经死了。I’m surprise to find that my dog is dead. 7. disappointed意为人感到失望的,修饰人。disappointing意为令人失望的,修饰物。 be disappointed at sth. 例:我对令人失望的成绩单感到失望。 I am disappointed at the disappointing report card.
复习前面的 be surprised at sth= be amazed at sth 以及 be interested in
例:I’m surprised at the surprising movie. = I’m amazed at the amazing movie.
I’m interested in the interesting movie. 8. send one’s love to sb. 向某人致以问候 9. get over it 其中的over为介词,宾语只能放在over后。 常用词组
1. have a prty 2. be mad at 3. the next day 4. first of all 5. pass on 6. pass…to… 7. work on 8. be supposed to do sth. 9. be good at 10. do well in 11. have a cold 12. be in good health 13. have a hard time with sth. 14. be surprised to do sth. 15. tell the truth 16. have a fight 17. talk to 18. get over 19. sound like 20. the Ministry of Education 21. the Chinese Young Pioneers 22. sent… to… 23. above sea level 24. at first 25. feel sick 26. three times a day 27. agree with 28. both…and… 29. get up 30. between…and… 31. be able to 32. senior high school 33. open up 34. in life 35. work as 36. the city of 37. around the world 38. care for 39. in danger
