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高中英语单选(要详析) 1.I don't think these black clothes__her age.I g

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 13:29:19
高中英语单选(要详析) 1.I don't think these black clothes__her age.I guess red ones may be better.
A.match B.fit
2.There is very little __in protesting.It won't help much.A.work B.point
3.It__unusual courage and determination to make the break with his family.A.took B.needed.
4.There is doubt,in my opinion,__matters is not the speed,bur the quality of the products.A.that B.which C.what that D.start(逗号后面不是不能用that吗?为什么答案是D)
5.Tom has something importnt to do today,so I accepted the award__him.A.in honor of B.instead C.on behalf of D.for lack of
6.-Few children are as bright as he is,and alse,he works very hard.-__that he always gets the first place in any examination.A.It is no wonder B.There is no wonder
7.I can't remember how many days ago__a fight broke out between the husband and the wife.A.it was when B.it was that
8.-The Us-led war against Iran is very likely to break out in the near future.-I__,if the situation goes as it is.A.hope not B.am afraid so
9.As is known to all,__great scientific achievements may have__positive effect on our life as well as society.A./;a B.the;/
10.For miles around me there was nothing but desert,without a single plant__.
A.in sight C,at a distance
11.-The prison was __fire last night.-Someone must have set fire__it.A.on ;with B.on;to C.over;with D.over;to
12.The last half of the nineteenth century __the steady improvement in the means of the means of travel.A.was witnessed B.witnessed
13.To eveyone's surprise,the fashionable young lady__to be a thief.
A.proved out B.turned out
14.Just as the clothes a person wears,the food th eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house__his personality.A.resembles B.reflects
高中英语单选(要详析) 1.I don't think these black clothes__her age.I g
2.A,protesting,point 不能说littlt
3.A 后面有to 不能用need
4.有点问题,D没有that 啊,你改一下,我再补充给你
5.on behalf of 代替,D是短缺的东西,不指人
6.A,there is no wonder 没听过
7.B 后面的a fight.缺少状语,when刚好
10.A (B不够意境,in sight 四周一片狼藉0
11.D over a fire 经历大火
13.B (prove out 是证明合适,没有证明是 的意思)
14.B 单词题,不说了吧!
不懂追问啊,累死了 给多加点啊!