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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 13:59:06
Clothing as an old and young arts,culture and history of mankind is not only a carrier,but also of human science and technology and art of combining the most direct,the most abundant and the most vivid manifestation.Successful costume design must be better to cope with the material and performance,this is a common concept in modern designer.In the modern field of costume design,especially in the shaping of personality style on the performance,greatly dependent on the details of the design of clothing materials,while the details of interpretation and changes in large part has been transferred to the use of clothing materials on recycling.In the modern aesthetic of clothing under the new situation,a single textile material has been designed and can not completely meet the needs of designers,innovative combination of various types of materials recycled and new materials design three-dimensional fabric design in the clothing industry has become increasingly important.Use of existing materials to transform the design,is a new concept of clothing are in the creative arts as a way of thinking,it will guide and predict the future development of clothing.
英语翻译服装作为一门古老而又年轻的艺术,既是人类文化与历史的载体,又是人类科学技术与艺术相结合的最直接、最丰富、也是最生 英语翻译昆曲是我国传统戏曲中最古老的剧种之一,也是我国传统文化艺术,特别是戏曲艺术中的珍品,被称为百花园中的一朵“兰花” 英语翻译现代室内设计是人类科学技术和文化艺术高度发展的产物.它既是一门为人类创造良好室内环境的特殊艺术,又是一门融合着美 修改病句:故宫是最伟大的人类建筑史上的艺术奇葩,是世界里历史遗产中的一颗璀璨的明珠,更是中华民族文化的标记. 世界最古老的人类化石有多少年历史? 英语翻译《红楼梦》是我国文学史上最伟大而又最复杂的作品,其艺术成就,更代表了我国古典小说语言艺术的高峰,同时,也是中国传 英语翻译设计,是文化艺术与科学技术结合的产物,而艺术与科技,又同属于广义的文化范畴.文化是人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的 世界最古老的远古人类是什么? 文学是人类感情的最丰富最生动的表达,是人类历史的最形象的诠释 最形象的诠释是指什么 文学是人类感情的最丰富最生动的表达,是人类历史的最形象的诠释,最形象的诠释是什么意思 英语翻译剪纸是中国最具特色的民间文化之一,它是植根于人们心中的艺术,它是我们民族灵魂的象征与代表,也是我们不可丢弃的文化 我国境内已知最古老的人类是【 】,距今有【 】多万年的历史