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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/25 17:27:52
Have you noticed that on some hot summer days the sky can look brownish instead of clear blue? Pollution causes poor air quality-and it can be bad for your health. Scienlists say that haze and smog are the problem.
“Smog comes from two words,smoke and fog,” said Alison Davis of theU.S.Environmental Protection Agency. Both haze and smog are caused largely by pollution from sources like power plants, factories, cars, and even wildfires.
Particle pollution is one type of pollution fhat affects air quality. The pollution is caused by tiny particles thrown into the air by factories and other sources. While something so small might seem harmless, Davis explained that the particles can get deep into your lungs and even affect your heart.
Air pollution from particles and other sources like ozone (臭氧) can also hurt trees and animals. Ozone is created when pollution from places like factories combines with sunlight.The summer usually has the worst air quality,because there is more sunlight.Sunlight reacts with pollutants to create ozone. Ozone is helpful high in the atmosphase, because it helps block the sun’s harmful rays, But down closer to Earth, ozone can be harmful to people. Ozone can make asthma (哮喘) and existing lung problems worse.
But that doesn’t mean that you should be afraid to play outside. Davis suggests that you check the Air Quality Index. Thy Air Quality Index works like a weather forecast. It lets you know how healthy the air you breathe is that day.
, The index gives a color to each day. Green means that the air is healthy and clean.Yellow means that people with asthma should be a little more careful than usual. “If it’s a code red day, then you shouldn’t play as hard,”Davis said.
悬浮颗粒是影响空气质量的污染之一。 主要是由工厂或其它污染源排入大气中的微小粒子造成的, 当这些东西因为小而被认为似乎无害时,悬浮颗粒可能已经被深深的吸入您的肺里,甚至可能会因此影响您的心脏功能,戴维斯解释道。
悬浮颗粒和其它污染源如臭氧等对植物和动物也同样有害。 臭氧是由工厂排出的废气与阳光反应形成的。通常夏天的空气质量是最差的。因为夏天总是烈日炎炎,阳光与污染物反应形成了臭氧。 在大气层的上层,臭氧是有益的,因为它可以吸收日光中有害的紫外线,但是在靠近地表的时候,臭氧对人有害无益。 它可以导致哮喘和更加严重的肺部疾病。
但是这并不代表人们要对户外运动避而远之。 迪维斯建议说,您可以查看每天的空气质量指数。就象你每天看天气预报一样。 空气质量指数会告诉您每天你呼吸的空气是否健康。
空气质量指数以颜色区分每天的空气质量。 绿色意味着空气清洁无害的。黄色意味着哮喘病患者应该比平时更注意保养。如果是红色的,那么你不应该做剧烈的户外运动。戴维斯如是说