作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

put up 、hand out、 call up、 cheer up 、come up with 、give out

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/31 20:20:26
put up 、hand out、 call up、 cheer up 、come up with 、give out 、put off
put up 、hand out、 call up、 cheer up 、come up with 、give out
put up
1. 把…陈列出来(出售或参加竞赛);把…拿出来(供考虑、决策或拍卖等):
例句: He put his possessions up for auction.

2. 参加竞选;提出…任某职,作为成员候选人;选出…任某职;推荐(会员等),提名(为候选人);自荐任某职;同意为议员候选人:
例句: She is putting herself up for election to the committee.

3. 把…加工贮藏起来,贮藏:
例句: The farmers put up five tons of hay for the winter.

4. 把…打成包;把东西装成(包等),包袋:例句: The medicine is put up in small bottles.

5. 建造,盖起(房子),搭起(帐篷等);装置:
例句: Many blocks of flats were put up in the 1990's.

6. 接待,供给…(膳宿),得到(膳)宿,住旅馆:例句: I'm afraid I can't put you up.

7. [美国英语]提供或调拨(资金、经费);拿出(钱)来作为(奖金或赌注),下(赌注);悬(赏):
例句: He is willing to put up money on the loeal team.

8. 束起(头发),把(头发)梳上去(或盘在头上):例句: She's put her hair up.

9. 从事,进行(殴斗、抵抗、斗争等):
例句: Very little resistance was put up by the surrounded men.

10. 把(刀、剑)插入鞘内:例句: Put up your sword.

11. 升起(旗帜、帆等),举起(手等):
例句: Put your hands up!You are arrested.

12. 显示出,表现出:
例句: The basketball team put up a splendid performance.

13. 把…放在一边,把…搁置起来;放回原处;(把汽车等)开进车房:
例句: You can put up your car in our garage,as it's empty at the moment.

14. 准备(食物等):例句: It's late,but I think we can put you up a cold meal.

15. 配制(药品);配方;腌制:
例句: Every summer, mother puts up a large quantity of vegetables for us to eat during the winter.

16. (打猎时)惊起(禽兽);把(猎物)赶出巢穴;使(野兽等)离开躲藏处(或隐蔽处):
例句: The hunting dog put up some partridges.

17. 发起;提出(申请):
例句: Your suggestion is to be put up at the next meeting of the board.

18. 做(祷告):
例句: She put up a prayer for her son's safety.

19. 请(某人)站起来讲话

20. 张贴(布告等);公布(结婚预告等):例句: The principal put up the exam result.

21. 上演(剧本)

22. 雇佣…当赛马骑师

23. 预谋(某事)(尤指为了给人以虚假印象);装出,装作:
例句: The residents believe that the appointment of their new mayor was put up.

24. 提高;增加;抬高(租金、价格等):
例句: My landlord was threatening to put the rent up by 10 dollars a week.

25. 提出(问题)

26. 升级后在肩部等佩带高一级的识别标志

27. 把…向上放:
例句: Put your hand up the cupboard and see if you can feel anything.

28. 指导;使(某人)熟悉
hand out搀扶…出来
The conductor handed the sick man out of the bus.

Will you help me to hand out the materials for the lecture?

He likes handing out advice to his friends though no one ever follows.
他喜欢给朋友们提建议, 尽管从来没有人听从过他的劝告.

4.拿出, 取出
The man handed out his pass and showed it to the guard.

5.维持, 忍受
It is doubtful whether our resources will hand out for more than two or three days more.

6. 居住
This is your friend John, isn't it?And where does he hand out?
这是你的朋友约翰, 是吧?他住在哪里?
call upcall sth up 使回忆起,使想起大海的气息勾起她对童年的回忆The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood 这部电影使我想起了我的童年The film calls up my childhood这张照片唤起了他对亡夫的回忆The picture called up memories of her dead husband 诗歌能汇集梦中世界的一切色彩,感情,经历各种奇妙的意向Poetry also call up all the colours ,feelins ,experiences and curious images of a dream world.call sth up 调出备用你能帮我把去年的销售数字调出来么could you call last year's sales figures up for me ?我在计算机上调出他的地址I called his address up on the computer  call sb up 打电话我明天给你打电话I will call you up tomorrow cheer up
如:You should cheer him/yourself up.
如:Hearing the good news, I cheered up.
2. cheer on只做及物动词,意思是“向...欢呼;为...鼓劲加油”,可以加sb/sth做宾语(但sth比较少用).
如:We all cheered him on.
Why not cheer on his wonderful performance? = Why not cheer his wonderful performance on?
3. cheer for意思是“为…喝彩叫好;为…鼓劲加油”,和cheer on意思基本一样.
如:We all cheered for him.
Why not cheer for his wonderful performance?
come up with come up with是一个没有被动语态的动词短语,意为“(针对问题等)提出(观点)”“想出(办法)”. 同义词组为think up.如:She came up with a new suggestion to solve the problem as well.她也提出了一种解决这个问题的新建议.We have to come up with the practical measures to prevent the air pollution.我们必须找到防止空气污染的切实可行的办法.It's wonderful for you to come up with such a good idea.你能想出这么一个好主意真是太棒了!give out 用完; 消耗尽; 发出(光、声音); 分发,放出; 用完1.put off +名词=put +物主代词 off       脱下
I put off my sweater after coming into the room . 我进屋后脱下运动衫.
2.put +sth. off   推迟 延期  
The meeting will be put off till next week . 会议延期到下周.
3.put +sb. off 使某人厌恶,使某人不快,反感,使某人不知所措
His attitude put me off. 他的态度让我反感.
4.put +sb. off     使某人分心,精力不集中
Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate. 我努力专心的时候不要分我的神.
5.put +sb. off    让某人下车
They put me off at a small station. 他们在一个小站让我下了车.
6. put   off      关闭熄灭
Please put off all the lights as you leave the building. 离开大楼的时候请熄灯
7.put   off      取消
The appointment cannot be put off . 约会无法取消.虽然资源大多来自网络啊但是还是很难找的楼主采纳吧!