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Trading Securities,Available for Sale Securities,Held to Mat

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/24 07:51:35
Trading Securities,Available for Sale Securities,Held to Maturity Securities
Define the following terms and tell how each category is reported in the financial statements:
Trading Securities
Available for Sale Securities
Held to Maturity Securities
Trading Securities,Available for Sale Securities,Held to Mat
Trading Securities are savings that management intends to vigorously purchase and retail for trading proceeds as market prices alter,(Eatson,Halsey,McAnally,Hartgraves & Morse,2013).Trading securities is a classification of safeties that includes both debt and equity safeties,and which an entity proposes to vend in the short term for a revenue that it supposed to make from growths in the value of the securities.Trading is usually done through a systematized stock exchange,which acts as the intercessor between a buyer and seller,though it is also possible to openly involve in purchase and sale dealings with counterparties.Trading securities dividends or gains/losses are reported as other income on the income statement.
Available for sale maturities are securities that supervision expects to embrace for principal increases and surplus returns; although,they might be traded if the fee is right as other income on the income statement,( Eatson,Halsey,McAnally,Hartgraves & Morse,2013).An available-for-sale investment is a non- derivative asset that is designated as available for sale.It is not classified as a credit,a receivable,or a financial asset at fair value through profit or loss.Thus,it is really a nonpayment classification for an asset that does not fit into a variety of other classifications.Fair –value fluctuations avoid the income statement and are conveyed in accumulated other comprehensive income as part of equity or liability.
Held to maturity (also known as a held-to-maturity security) is a non-derivative monetary asset that has either secure or determinable expenses or a fixed prime of life,and for which an article has both the capability and the intent to hold to maturity,( Eatson,Halsey,McAnally,Hartgraves & Morse,2013).The held to maturity taxonomy does not include financial assets that the entity labels as being at fair value through profit or loss,as available for sale,or as loans or receivables.The mutual held-to-maturity securities are bonds and other debt securities.Common stock and preferred stock are not classified as held-to-maturity securities,since they have no maturity dates,and so cannot be held to maturity.Interest is reported as other income on the income statement and if sold before the maturity is expired,any gains or losses on sale is reported on the income statement.