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英语翻译Dear Professor:冒昧写信打扰.我是你研一课上的一名学生,对您的学识和教学方式非常admire,下学

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/17 14:33:42
Dear Professor:
研一,研二由于忙公司的事,并没有选择导师,gpa2.8.原来想走的结构方向,就没有修太多土力方面的课.打算下学年继续学习,把Advanced Soil Mechanics修完.
Best regards.
英语翻译Dear Professor:冒昧写信打扰.我是你研一课上的一名学生,对您的学识和教学方式非常admire,下学
Dear Dr.XXX, (为表示尊重,最好是称呼对方为XX博士,或XX教授,不要不出现具体的姓)

Sorry for disturbing you with this letter.

I'm one of the students of your class for first-year graduate. I admire your knowledge and teaching style, and next year I hope to apply to be your graduate student.

In my first and second graduate years, I was so busy with my company affairs that I didn't select a tutor. My GPA score is 2.8. As my original plan was to develop myself in structure area, I didn't take too many lessons in soil mechanics. In the next half year, I plan to continue my study and finish the lessons for Advanced Soil Mechanics.

I do hope to be your graduate student.
Although my score on paper seems not excellent, I've put a lot of efforts in practice by my hard work on site. I had been a construction quality inspector in XXX Construction Company for XXX and got high appraisal for my work.

I applied my knowledge on the site and now I've the strong feeling that it's time to strengthen my knowledge.

The current task I give to myself is to read again the soil mechanic books of the university period. As I finished my university lessons in mainland China, in this summer vacation, I plan to read some books related to soil mechanics, civil engineering materials and so on, in English versions.
Do you have any good recommendation?

If it is possible for you to spare me several minutes, and give me some advices for my study preparation face to face, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you so much!

Best Regards,

专业翻译 来自英语牛人二团
英语翻译Dear Professor:冒昧写信打扰.我是你研一课上的一名学生,对您的学识和教学方式非常admire,下学 英语翻译不好意思打扰你.我是在CC上班的一名员工.近期我们同事发现 FES的IT素质非常差,态度也不好.造成了对我们的工 英语翻译请各位高手将以下内容翻译成英文,(最好别提供纯软件翻译的内容) TOM:冒昧打扰你了!我是Lily 的朋友Jac 我是一名一中的学生 英语翻译 英语翻译***教授:不好意思打扰您,我是中国**大学物能源和环境研究中心的一名研究人员,主要从事生物质能源方面的研究.我 英语翻译你现在过的还好吗?也许你还不知道这个留言的昵称是谁把?我是灿.请原谅我的冒昧.打扰你啦把.也许你早就把这个人忘记 英语翻译mark:我是《读者》编辑部专门负责杂志广告事宜的人,前段时间曾跟您有过邮件联系冒昧打扰您的工作,十分歉意,还请 写信时的称谓不能用dear teacher,dear professor吧? 我是一名六年级的学生, 英语翻译尊敬的酒店管理人员,你们好,感谢您对我昨天邮件的回复,首先对我的冒昧打扰向您致谦,昨天我在HRS网上向你们酒店预 请原谅对你的冒昧打扰,能否方便送我一份《数字电路技术基础》 阎石i著 第五版课后习题电子档答案? 英语翻译:各位老师、同学,大家好!我的名字叫——,我的英文名叫——。我10岁了。我是一名学生。我非常喜欢冰淇淋和蛋糕。我