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高一英语周报外研版 43期B版

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 09:08:27
高一英语周报外研版 43期B版
高一英语周报外研版 43期B版
1-5 AABCB 6-10 ABCAB
11-15 ABCBC 16-20 CCCBA
21-25 DCABD 26-30 DABCB
31-35 ADCBB 36-40 GBFCE
41-45 DBACB 46-50 AACBD
51-55 ADCBD 56-60 BADAC
61. to go 62. instructing
63. is done 64. more often
65. Besides 66. it
67. At 68. are
69. why 70. hardly
71. ... but her classmates ... but → so / and
72. ... asked her buy ... buy前加to
73. ... and gives her ... gives → gave
74. ... on the lists. lists → list
75. ... pay to them ... to → for
76. ... she has had to ... 去掉has
77. ... to a shop ... a → the
78. ... that she had ... that → what
79. Lucky, the shop ... Lucky → Luckily
80. ... called him back ... him → her
One possible version:
Dear Classmates,
My name is Li Hua. I'd like to be the director of our English Corner.
To start with, I have a strong interest in English and I once came first in the English speech contest held in our school. Secondly, I'm kind and outgoing, which makes it easy for me to get along with others. What's more, I have some experience in organizing English activities because I once organized activities for our school's English club.
I'd appreciate it if you would consider me for the position. If chosen, I'll make every effort to serve you all well.
Thank you!
A篇 (家庭)
21. D.篇章结构题.根据第二段首句可知,作者和母亲决定去邻近的一个野营地.可以推断本句的意思是:她们知道乘车去那里路程不远,因为在那条通往小屋的路上,她们每次开车都会经过那个野营地.因此,it指代那个野营地.
22. C.推理判断题.根据第四段的He had expected us to return home in one or two hours和Satisfied that we were all right可知,Wayne骑车来找作者和妈妈是因为他担心她们的安全.
23. A.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的but Mom and I lovingly thanked him and ate it up和最后一段的it was also the best tasting that anyone's ever given me可知,尽管吃到的冰激凌已经融化,作者感到格外满足.
24. B.标题归纳题.在烈日的烘烤之下,作者和母亲正疲惫地推着自行车回家,弟弟忽然给她们送来了可口的冰激凌.最后一段点明文章主旨,故选B.
B篇 (饮食)
25. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的makes it a popular choice for meals可知.
26. D.细节理解题.根据第三段的has a rosy color that comes from the earth可知.
27. A.细节理解题.根据第三段的Hawaiian sea salt ... has a rosy color和第四段的Like Hawaiian sea salt, Australian river salt is also pink可知.
28. B.细节理解题.通读全文可知,法国海盐是白色,夏威夷海盐和澳大利亚河盐是粉红色,地中海的盐是黑色.由此可知,法国海盐的颜色最浅.
C篇 (兴趣与爱好)
本文是应用文.文章是一则关于Cottage Crafts的广告信息.
29. C.细节理解题.根据第三段的there were so few specialist suppliers in Ireland, so in November 2009 my husband and I opened our own shop可知,作者夫妇开办Cottage Crafts是因为当地缺乏专门的手工艺品供应商.
30. B.细节理解题.根据Class Information部分的Card-making classes are held at the shop可知.
31. A.推理判断题.根据文中的A warm welcome to all visitors new and old和Opening hours等信息可知,该文是一则广告.
D篇 (自然)
32. D.词义猜测题.根据第一段的Shortly, a group of furry snow monkeys moves out of the forest and onto the beach. They like the sweet potatoes可知,猴子受到红薯的引诱来到沙滩上,因此科学家在沙滩上放红薯是为了把猴子引出来进行研究.因此,lure意为“引诱,吸引”.
33. C.推理判断题.根据第四段的Soon most of the young monkeys and their mothers are doing it和第五段的Imo's new idea spreads through the group until most of the younger monkeys are washing their sweet potatoes可知,小猴子对新事物、新思想接受得很快.
34. B.推理判断题.通读全文可知,Imo在意识到用爪子清理红薯上的沙子很费劲后想到一个新方法,这个新方法很成功而且开始在猴群里流传.由此不难看出,Imo很聪明.
35. B.标题归纳题.文章主要讲述了一只叫Imo的小猴子尝试新方法并得以成功的故事,故B项概括了文章大意.

36. G.根据上一句的Katharine House Hospice可知,这里接着介绍这家救济院的服务范围.G项中的It指代Katharine House Hospice.
37. B.根据该段It is self-interest really和It is just great to be able to make things for the hospice可知,夫妇俩喜欢做手工活儿.
38. F.根据下一句中的将来时态will be there可知,夫妇俩在星期六将要举办的活动旨在为救济院再筹集10万.
39. C.根据下文的In the first 13 years和And in 2006可知,该段的段首介绍夫妇俩一开始制作手工艺品的时间,即:1993年.
40. E.E项中的have given talks与上一句中的give talks相呼应.

41. D.根据下文的If you were nice to ...get mad at you可知,作者一家谁也不和谁说话.
42. B.根据上文的my parents可知.
43. A.根据上文的In September以及下文作者在当地的报纸上为感恩节刊登广告可知,当十月来临时,作者盘算着怎么样过感恩节.
44. C.根据下文的It's a meal around a table ... can't do that by yourself可知,作者不想一个人孤苦伶仃地过节.
45. B.根据上文的Thanksgiving可知.
46. A.一个人是没法自己过感恩节的.
47. A.根据上文的stay at home alone — or anywhere alone — on Thanksgiving可知,作者在邀请同样形单影只的人一起过节.
48. C.根据下文的I've held the dinner以及Somebody told her about the dinner可知,作者要在感恩节那天给大家做顿饭吃.
49. B.50. D.根据making a mess out of the food可知,作者有点担心自己会使客人失望.
51. A.根据上文的food和下文的I didn't burn anything可知,作者做出来的食物还不错.
52. D.根据上文的That first year以及Last Thanksgiving可知,作者在每年的感恩节都会免费为大家做饭.
53. C.去年的感恩节来了84个人.
54. B.根据下文的woman可知.
55. D.根据下文的She had a great time可知,一个患有帕金森病的女子也来聚餐.
56. B.根据上文的she was not good on her feet和had been in a nursing home for seven years可知,那个女子七年来从来没有离开过疗养院.
57. A.那个女子花了200美金租了一辆救护车送她到作者那里.
58. D.根据下文的She didn't want to go home可知,由于不想回去,因此当救护车来接她的时候,那个女子哭了.
59. A.根据下文的they don't know my name可知,绝大多数来作者家吃饭的人并不知道作者是谁.
60. C.上文的They know与下文的they don't know构成转折.

61. to go.can't wait to do sth.是固定表达,意为“迫不及待去做某事”.
62. instructing.spend time (in) doing sth.花费时间做某事.
63. is done.do与everything之间为动宾关系,又根据now可知,此处用一般现在时的被动语态.
64. more often.根据句中的than和much可知,此处填often的比较级more often.
65. Besides.空格后是对前面内容的补充,故填Besides (此外).
66. it.分析句子结构可知,后面的不定式是真正的主语,故此处用it作形式主语.
67. At.At least是固定表达,意为“至少”.
68. are.spelling和grammar并列作主语,谓语动词用复数,故填are.
69. why.根据句意“这就是为什么学生必须亲自动手写字的原因”可知,此处用why引导表语从句.
70. hardly.hardly ever几乎从来不.

I. 1-5 BBDAC 6-10 CDDAB
11-15 CAABD 16-20 DBCAC
1. B.由上文的all animals and plants change their surroundings可知,本句举了一个动物能够改变自然环境的例子——海狸筑巢.
2. B.由and ponds are formed可推断,水被储存在了堤坝的后面.
3. D.4. A.然而,溪流并没有完全消失,因为一部分溪水继续流淌.
5. C.由本段接下来介绍海狸建造自己巢穴的步骤可知该题的答案.
6. C.由上下文语境可推断,海狸首先要在水塘中找到一些深的地点,然后在这些地方建造住处.
7. D.“海狸的牙齿每天都生长”与“它们不需要为磨损牙齿而担忧”之间是因果关系.
8. D.由本段的beavers first ... Then ... 可知,此处接着讲海狸筑巢的下一个步骤.
9. A.由第四段的both entrances to the lodges可知,海狸的巢穴有两个出入口.
10. B.11. C.由Beavers cannot move fast on land可知,海狸在陆地上很容易被狼和熊追捕,因此,海狸在水下筑巢提高了安全性.
12. A.由so that it won't freeze in winter可知,池塘中的水必须足够深,这样冬天水塘里的水才能不结冰.
13. A.如果水塘里的水结冰,海狸巢穴的入口就会堵塞.
14. B.根据上文描述海狸建造自己的巢穴可知,它们很擅长建筑.
15. D.16. D.根据下文的Beavers can rebuild such dams overnight可知,海狸建造的堤坝很难摧毁,特别是如果这个堤坝建在有海狸居住的下游.
17. B.最后一段主要讲的是海狸构建水塘对其它动物的利弊.
18. C.接下来的两句分别谈了两类不同的动物:不喜欢水塘的动物和喜欢水塘的动物.海狸建的水塘到底好不好,取决于你是哪种动物.
19. A.20. C.像溪红点鲑这样的淡水鱼就需要溪流,它们不会喜欢海狸的水塘.

1. A.细节理解题.根据第一段的About a third of its residents live in poverty和But a farm is trying to solve it by ... 可知,共善城市农场旨在帮助社区解决粮食问题.
2. C.词义猜测题.根据第二段的we also give 6.8 kilograms of produce to each family each week可知,此处提到的85-15的计划是:农场生产的85%的产品分发给社区的居民.
3. D.推理判断题.根据第五段的I can spend an hour cutting salad greens without thinking about anything in particular和I kind of like it可知,Cassie Hoffman很享受农场的宁静时光.
4. A.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的She believes the community around the farm will enjoy a healthier life以及后面引用的Eliamani Ismail说的话可知,她觉得农场非常好.
5. D.写作目的题.文章主要讲述了华盛顿的共善城市农场在LeDroit Park社区的开展情况,故选D.