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一道英语四级阅读题,Standard publishing operates on these basic princi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/16 07:43:01
Standard publishing operates on these basic principles:writing is accepted based on its merit; writing is printed in some form (book
or magazine); writers are paid (in copies or cash); printed work is marketed and distributed through legitimate channels.Therefore,
if any business operation wants to print your work and sell it without either paying you or distributing the book or periodical,then they are not offering to publish it by the strict definition.These operations,although they sometimes refer to themselves as “subsidy presses,” are often called vanity presses.They will ask you to pay a lot more money than necessary to pay for the print run of a book.Magazines that require you to buy before you can send them a writing submission are also disregarding standard publishing practices.
If you are just beginning,you might try to find other writers with whom to share your writing.Presenting your work to other writers,reading their work,and learning to formulate and respond to criticism can be crucial first steps in preparing your work for publication.After all,submitting your work to editors and agents for consideration will involve showing them your work,accepting their evaluations,and perhaps changing the work,rewriting or editing it in some way.Learning to be objective and flexible about your writing will help you deal with the realities of marketing it.Creative writing courses,writing workshops,and literary readings offer writers these opportunities as well as guidance and support.
Once you’ve found your market and have begun to submit your work,there are important points to remember.Most editors disapprove of the practice of multiple submissions—sending the same work to more than one publisher simultaneously—however,some editors do not mind this.For a book-length manuscript,send only an initial query letter,introducing the editor to both your current work and publication record.Sending a query saves the time,effort,and postage you would have spent sending the full-length work.Query letters and manuscripts should be neatly typed and mailed with an adequately posted SASE for their return.
1.What may “vanity presses” probably mean in paragraph
A.Those presses pride themselves in their superior status and reputation and they are reluctant to accept the amateurs’ works.
B.These presses publish books at the authors’ own expenses.
C.These presses are of little significance,indicating that they are trivial and worthless.
D.These presses are located near some solitary area.
一道英语四级阅读题,Standard publishing operates on these basic princi
These operations,although they sometimes refer to themselves as “subsidy presses,” are often called vanity presses.They will ask you to pay a lot more money than necessary to pay for the print run of a book.
Magazines that require you to buy before you can send them a writing submission are also disregarding standard publishing practices.
3.B.初看B和C都有点对,但仔细看C讲得太绝对.文章只讲了can be crucial first steps in preparing your work for publication.没说,不这么多就没有出版的可能.
5.C 文章只是讲了 Most editors disapprove of the practice of multiple submissions,但还有一些不介意向多家送稿的.A,B和D都讲得太绝对了,只有C有这种可能.