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帮我找英语口语对话两个人的对话,英语口语考试 能找就帮忙多找点吧 Create a dialogue with your

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 18:16:19
两个人的对话,英语口语考试 能找就帮忙多找点吧
Create a dialogue with your partner according to the given situation:
1.A has two tickets for a car exhibition and invites B to go together this weekend.B gladly acccpets the invitation.B learns that A has a friend working at the exhibition center and can get free tickets.
2.A finds B very upset.B says he just broke up with his girlfriend Susan,because she wants to get married but he wants to have a career first.A tries to comfort B.
3.A tells B that Philip proposed to her.But Philip is much younger than A and lives in another city.A hesitates to accpet the proposal.
4.A and B and talking about B’s boyfriend Chris.B thinks he is handsome and hardworking.A thinks he is too old,but B doesn’t care.B also thinks love is more important than other people’s opinion.
5.B is reading a brochure full of ads.A thinks advertising costs too much money and customers have to pay more because of the ads,whereas B thinks advertising tells people about products.
6.A is a salesperson,and B wants to buy a pair of jeans.They will talk about the size,color,price and way of payment.
7.A believes money can buy happiness.B disagrees and cites countevidence.Finally they reach an agreement.
8.A wants to borrow money from B to buy a digital camera.B is also short of money and advises A to save up for it.B does not want to miss the 25%-off sale,but A does not think a camera is an urgent matter.
9.A and B and talking about the important exam A will have tomorrow.A worries that he/she will fail.B comforts him/her and offers some advice.
10.A is ill.B suggests A go to see the doctor and take injections.But A doesn’t want to because he/she is afraid of injections.
11.One of B’s classmates wants B to help him cheat in the final exam.A talks about the problem with B and gives suggestions to B.
12.A and B are leaving a party.A has drunk so much that he smells of alcohol and can hardly talk and walk.A offers to drive B home.
13. A finds B looks miserable and asks why.B was fined 100 dollars for a car accident.A further finds that B had the accident because he broke the traffic rules.
帮我找英语口语对话两个人的对话,英语口语考试 能找就帮忙多找点吧 Create a dialogue with your
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