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英语翻译Thus we recognize that if the prise of something goes up

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 01:30:57
Thus we recognize that if the prise of something goes up we are less likely it to buy it than before – one of the laws of demand.
Another example is the case of diminishing returns .If a farmer uses chemicals he can increase his yield but after a certain time each additional unit produces less benefit – reduced marginal productivity – than before.
Micro – and Macro – Economics
Economics is a vast subject with branches and connections with other discipplines.T he central part of economics,however,is broadly divided into two areas.
Microeconomics (“micro – Greek for small )is concerned with the behaviour of small economic units – individuals ,households,and firms ;and the determination of price under various conditions.Macroeconomics (“micro – Greek for large ) is the study of large scale economic phenomena such as production,economic growth inflation and employment.
Certain topics ,however ,do not fit easily into either category,e.g.economic development and international trade.So it would be misleading to think of all economics as being either micro – or macrooriented.
The Market Economy
Whilst the nature of the choices confronting all societies is the same ,different methods of dealing with them are adopted .One method is to allow choices to be resolved by the free play of market forces.In this case,resources are allcocated through the price mechanism .This means that individuals ,as consumers ,freely choose which goods and services they will buy ,and producers.Hence market economics are often referred to as free enterprise or laissez-faire economics.
The characteristics of market economy are summarized below:
Limited role for the government
Market economics are characterised by nearly no government intervention .In a free – enterprise economy ,the government only builds up a framework of rules within both private individuals and firms conduct their business.
Right to own and dispose of private property
One important feature of market economy is the right of individuals to own private property,and to own and dispose of the factors of production.This means that any individual possessing the necessary factors is free to undertake production.Those I nvididuals are known as entrepreneurs.Since the entrepreneur hires the factors of production,he is a risk – taker; since he also decides how they will be production ,he is a risk – taker; since he also decides
Profit motive
英语翻译Thus we recognize that if the prise of something goes up