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问几道关于英语的题1 settle 和settle down的区别2 动词不定式有不带to的?有几种?3 He ran

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 20:16:37
1 settle 和settle down的区别
2 动词不定式有不带to的?有几种?
3 He ran the horse up the hill,为什么不是up to the hill?
4 有些英语的单词很难拼,比如receipt,还有 squirrel,其中,receipt 的p音是不用读的,而我看了松鼠单词的音标,跟朗读的不一样,是不是也有不读的音?有哪些英语单词的发音是有注意事项的?就是哪些会改变?
5 老师说在s后的清辅音要浊读,那么先生这个单词,Mr.是念密斯特还是密斯的(不好意思,不会打出音标)?就是念st 还是sd?虽然音标是
问几道关于英语的题1 settle 和settle down的区别2 动词不定式有不带to的?有几种?3 He ran
A. 及物动词 [+argument] [ question] 解决
B. 及物动词 [+affairs] 料理
C. 及物动词 [+bill] [ account] [ debt] (pay) 支付
D. 不及物动词 [sand] [ dust+] 沉积
E. 不及物动词 [sediment+] 沉淀
F. 不及物动词 [insect] [ bird+] to settle on sth 停落在某物上
G. 不及物动词 (go to live) 定居
-----settle down 安顿下来
Uncle George didn't settle down until he was nearly fifty.
I want to get married and settle down.
2.当不定式在let, make, have, hear, look at, listen to, feel, observe, watch, notice, perceive(感觉到)等动词后面作宾语补语时,不定式不带to.
---Whenever something is wrong with you, please do let me know.
---I will have the students write a passage about Internet.
---I saw my mother shed tears at the news that the neighbor girl got seriously hurt in a car accident.
---It seemed so long before he heard the stone hit the water.
不带to的不定式在下列词组后面的不定式不带to:would rather ...than(宁愿……也不), had better...(最好),can't help but...(不得不), had
rather...(宁愿),cannot but...(不得不,必然),may/might as well...(不妨),let alone(更不用说).
3.Ran up the hill ,你得这么理hill不是山顶(peak,roof).不管你run up the hill or run down the hill,你都在山上.
如果你具体要指某个地点,你就可以用to,比如 she ran up to the door.
哑音字母b:字母b在m之后或t之前且mb, bt处于单词的末尾时(注意:member中的b发音,因为mb不在 词尾),b往往不发音.如:
(1)bomb炸弹;climb爬;comb梳子; lamb羊羔;limb手足thumb拇指.
哑音字母gh:caught 抓住; daughter 女儿; eight 八; fight 战斗等等.
哑音字母h:honest ,oh,ghost
哑音字母n:字母n位于m之后且在词尾时,n不发音. 常见的词有autumn 秋天
哑音字母p:英语中大部分以pn,ps,pt pb开头或结尾的单词[就是你的例子]
哑音字母s:字母s出现在i之后l之前时,常常不发音: island 岛屿;
哑音字母t:字母t在s之后,en之前时常不发音: castle 城堡;hustle 赶忙;listen 听;often 经常;
哑音字母w:字母w在wr和wh的字母组合中,常常不发音:还有 two 二;
5,s后的音标里,虽然是t,念出来必须是d, 而类似的,p念成b,k念成g.