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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 21:27:42
Passage 2
The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea.He was Prince Henry of Portugal,the younger son of the Portuguese king and an English princess.
Prince Henry lived in the fifteenth century.As a boy he became devoted to the sea,and he dedicated himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them.In 1416,when he was twenty-two,Henry founded a school for mariners,to which he invited everyone who could help him —Jewish astronomers,Italian and Spanish Sailors,and Arab mathematicians and map makers who knew how to use the crude compass of the day and could improve it.
Henry's goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to keep close to the shore.The caravel,which he helped design,carried more sails and was longer and slimmer than any ship then made,yet was tough enough to stand up against gales at sea.He also developed the carrack,which was a slower ship,but one that was capable of carrying more cargo.
The world owes credit to Prince Henry for the development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible.He lives in history as Henry the Navigator.
56.Henry the Navigator was a member of the royal family of .
57.Prince Henry started his school for the purpose of .
A.helping mariners
B.improving ship design and sailing methods
C.studying astronomy and mathematics
D.improving his own skill as a sailor
58.The teachers in Prince Henry's school seem to have been .
A.members of the royal family
B.astronomers,sailors and map makers
D.All of the above
59.Prince Henry's goal was to design vessels that could .
A.make long deep-sea voyages
B.travel faster than those in use at that time
C.explore the coastline of Portugal
D.carry larger crews and more cargo than existing ones
60.The best title for this selection is .
A.The First Modern Sailing Vessels
B.The Mariner Prince
C.Prince Henry's Role in the History of Shipbuilding
D.The First School for Sailors
56,D (He was Prince Henry of Portugal)
57,B (Henry's goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages )
58,B (Jewish astronomers, Italian and Spanish Sailors, and Arab mathematicians and map makers )
59,A (Henry's goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages )
60,B 主要讲的是Prince Henry .