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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 17:10:48
harvest ['hɑ:vist]
/ ˈhɑːvɪst; ˋhɑrvɪst/ n
(a) [C] cutting and gathering of grain and other food crops 收割; 收获.(b) [C,U] season when this is done 收获季节; 收获期:Farmers are very busy during (the) harvest.在收获季节里农民非常忙碌.(c) [C] (amount of the) crop obtained 收成; 收获量:gather in the harvest 收庄稼 * a succession of good harvests 连续的好收成 * This year's wheat harvest was poor.今年小麦收成不好.
[C] (fig 比喻) consequences of any action 结果:reap the harvest of (ie be rewarded for) one's hard work 获得辛勤劳动的成果.
> harvest v [I,Tn] gather (a crop); reap 收割(庄稼); 收获:The farmers are out harvesting (the corn).农民们在地里收割(作物).harvester n
1 person who harvests crops; reaper 收割庄稼的人; 收获者.
2 machine for cutting and gathering grain,esp the type that also binds the grain into sheaves or threshes the grain 收割机; (尤指兼能捆扎或脱粒的)联合收割机.Cf 参看 combine2 2.
# ,harvest `festival service of thanksgiving in Christian churches after the harvest has been gathered 秋收感恩礼拜(基督教教会於收获后所举行的仪式); 秋收感恩节.
,harvest `home (esp Brit) celebration organized by farmers for their workers after the harvest has been gathered 收获节祝宴(收获后农场主人为雇工举行的家宴).
,harvest `moon full moon nearest to the autumn equinox (22 or 23 September) 9月22日或23日秋分前后的满月.