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英语翻译I just did not want you feeling bad because you could no

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 07:57:02
I just did not want you feeling bad because you could not help with the hotel I have check there are a lot of cheep
hotels in Urumqi but they are all booked up some from $20 to $45 USA dollars a night but they are all booked
for June, July, and August I don't understand how all can be booked there must be 50 hotels in that price range
and they all don't have rooms. So the best price is Sheraton with points and $$.
So will you be able to be with me all the time I am there? I an so looking forward to see you and you showing me
all we can see it will be a great time.
So I will go to Santa Barbara tomorrow so my mail to you may not be as much but will send when I can.
I hope you are feeling better and getting some rest and thank you for Coldplay they are so good.
To the day we can Cuddle and Kiss.
英语翻译I just did not want you feeling bad because you could no
我比较了乌鲁木齐的许多酒店 但是一些比较便宜的酒店 6 7 8 月的房间已经全部预定了 价钱是在$20 到 $45 之间 我就不明白为什么将近50家酒店在那个时间都没有价钱比较便宜的房间
So the best price is Sheraton with points and $$.
所以当我去哪里之后你可不可以一直陪着我 我热切盼望着和你度过一段美好的时光
明天我要去Santa Barbara 所以我们的通讯就不能保持的那么通常 不过 在我方便的时候我还是会联系你的
所以希望你不要在不开心了多休息一下 Coldplay 他们真是太棒了
再问: So the best price is Sheraton with points and $$. 因此在乌鲁木齐的酒店当中还是用点数和美元入住喜来登还是最好的选则。 当然我是意译不是直译,直译没撒意思。