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英语翻译Let's face it; young people entering the workforce today

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 21:37:36
Let's face it; young people entering the workforce today are lazy.I have heard just about (1)as muchthat muchso much complaint about today's workplace as I can take.(2)RatherInsteadContrary to the view young people seem to have that things were better for (3)lastpriorbefore generations,the fact is that there have never been so many great jobs for people wanting to enter the workforce.There are educational opportunities that have never existed before,and the standard of living is getting better all the time.Frankly,people who (4)lack inlack oflack courage and commitment shouldn't blame (5)anyoneotherspeople but themselves for not taking the opportunities that are there for them.
My first job was working as a trashman.I hauled trash for six years before I got (6)progressedpreparedpromoted to the position of manager.I wasn't (7)scaredfearedthreatened of hard work.(8)At the timeIn the timeBy the time the day was finished,my shoulder would hurt,but I never (9)blamedcomplainedboasted.I even assisted others and worked extra hours when I was needed.(10)UnfortunatelyOriginallyConsciously,young people today seem to be lacking the same desire I had to work hard.
I can boast that I never (11)dropquitrid a job without being offered a better one.We can't all (12)start fromstart outstart with at the top.Most of us need to pay our dues and work from the (13)down upbottom topbottom up.After managing the small company for which I hauled garbage,I found a job with the city public works office (14)managingorganizingachieving a small department.Now,after 25 years of working in the garbage business,I manage all of the city's trash removal.Along the way I learned that a job well done is never (15)looked out onlooked bad onlooked down on,and the person who does it will always (16)failtriumphboast.
Where is the "can do" (17)attitudeattempttrend that makes our country great?It doesn't (18)saymeanmatter what you do,as long as you work hard and do your best.Young people need to (19)commitcommencecommunicate with finding a line of employment that needs them,and quit looking for perfection in their (20)initialoldprior position.If work were supposed to be enjoyable,it wouldn't be called "work".
Your answers Correct answers
1.as much 2.Contrary 3.prior 4.lack 5.anyone 6.promoted 7.scared 8.By the time 9.complained 10.Unfortunately 11.quit 12.start out 13.bottom up 14.managing 15.looked down on 16.triumph 17.attitude 18.matter 19.commence 20.initial
英语翻译Let's face it; young people entering the workforce today