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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/21 22:32:31
1 something 是单数还是复数,There are something good 还是There is something good? 2China has a large population. population 不是不可数名词吗?为什么可以用a修饰? 3 It is an unusal experience for me. 同上,experience 是不可数名字。为什么可以用an修饰?
解题思路: 见过程
1 something 是单数还是复数,There are something good 还是There is something good?
something 是单数,应该是There is something good
2China has a large population. population 不是不可数名词吗?为什么可以用a修饰?
population 多用单数,指某国家或地区的人口。如果用复数,指世界不同地区的人口。例如:
Many parts of the world , which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops , have become deserts . 世界上许多地区曾经人口众多,五谷丰登,而今却成了沙漠。
According to the latest census , China‘s population has increased . 根据最近的调查,中国的人口增加了。
◆ population 直接作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式指住在某地区的全体居民,为不可数名词,但前面有 some , most 特别是分数或者百分数时,谓语动词常用复数。例如:
The population in these villages has to get its water from wells . 住在这个村子里的人必须自井中汲水。
The population of the city rose by 20% . 这个城市的人口增长了 20 % 。
Most of the population in this city are workers . 这个城市大多数人是工人。
At present about 38% of the Chinese population smoke . 目前中国大约有 38% 的人吸烟,
In India , however , the population of tigers has increased , from 2,000 in 1972 to about 5,000 in 1989 .
然而,在印度,老虎的数量增加了 , 1972 年只有2,000 只,1989年增加到了大约5,000 只。
In the south most of the population live on rice . 在南方,绝大多数人以大米为食。
◆ 问“人口多少”用 :what 或者 how large 。不用 how many 和 how much 等词。说人口多用 large或者 great , 说人口少用small 。例如:
?What’s the population of China ? 中国的人口是多少 ?
?China has a large population . 中国人口众多。
The population of Japan is smaller than that of US . 日本的人口比美国的少。(注意对比中的 that 不要省略)
The population of Beijing is larger / greater than that of Xi‘an . 北京的人口比西安的多。
Do you know what the population of Africa is ? = Do you know how large / great the population of Africa is ? 你知道非洲的人口是多少吗 ?
That country has a small population . 那个国家人口稀少。
What’s the population of the world ? 全世界有多少人口 ?
This village has a population of about 1,500 .
◆ 在表达某地有多少人口时可以用:
地点 + has a population of + 数词 (+ people )
The population of + 某地 + be + 数词 。
地点 + with a population of + 数词
那个国家有 5,000 万人口。
China has a population of 1,2 billion . 中国有 12 亿人口。
That country has a population of fifty million ( people ) .
The population of that country is fifty million .
The country is one with a population of fifty million people .
◆ 当 population 表示抽象意义时,不加冠词。例如:
Since 1949 , the people‘s living standard has been raised , causing a big rise in population . 自从 1949 年以来,在中国,人民的生活水平得到了提高,导致人口有了很大增加。
3 It is an unusal experience for me. 同上,experience 是不可数名字。为什么可以用an修饰?
experience 当经历讲,是可数名词,当经验讲,是不可数名词。