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两篇英语 短文 追分 快

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 18:57:20
两篇英语 短文 追分 快
Mr.Robertson was the manager of a large company.One day,he went into his office early
in the morning to prepare to go to the airport and fly to a distant city.
He was leaving his office when Bill,a night watchman,came in.Bill just came off work.
After he said “Good morning” to Mr.Robertson,Bill told the manager about his bad dream.
Last night he dreamed that Mr.Robertson’s plane crashed soon after it took off.Mr.
Robertson was very surprised when he heard this.He decided to go by land.
Bill’s dream came true.That morning the plane really crashed right after it took off.Later
Mr.Robertson came back to his office and heard the accident.To express his thanks,
Mr.Robertson gave Bill 5000 dollars with a letter.Mr.Robertson told Bill that a man like
him should be let to go.Bill was surprised and asked,“Why?” Mr.Robertson said,“Go home
and read the letter,and you will know the answer.”
Bill went home and opened the letter in a hurry.After he read it,he became very sad.In
the letter there was only one sentence.But it was enough to tell Bill why he had to leave.Can
you guess what the sentence is?
1.Why did Mr.Robertson decide to go by land instead of by air?
2.How did Bill feel when he was given 5000 dollars with a letter?
3. What sentence do you think it was in the letter?________________________________
4. What do you think of Mr.Robertson as a manager and Bill as a watchman?
An Arian looks like a ram in the sky,but a ram(公羊) has three possible personalities.
You like to become head of others.Sometimes you think of things in a very simple way.
But most Aries have a clear mind.They are not afraid of dangers,and they like to look for
dangerous things to do all the time.Sometimes they want others to love them and pay
attention to them.An Arian is not so polite to others and they often do things without much
thinking.Sometimes they are selfish and make others angry.
Quality (属性):Positive (阳性) Ruler (主宰行星) :Mars (火星)
Triplicity (三分法):Cardinal (本位型.) Quadruplicity (四分法) :Fire
Aries likes anything fast,hot and red.Tools and guns are good,so are caps,sports
clothes,sports shoes or things like that.You can’t go wrong if you give an Aries a diamond
(钻石) or a beautiful painting in oil.
( )1.A ram usually has ________ personalities.A.three B.four C.two D.one
( )2.Arians ___________.
A.like to learn from others B.like to get attention from others
C.are not selfish D.are polite
( )3.Aries like anything ________________.
A.slow,hot and red B.hot and blue
C.fast,hot and red D.yellow,blue and red
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两篇英语 短文 追分 快
1、Because Bill told the manager about his bad dream that Mr.Robertson’s plane crashed soon after it took off.
2、Bill was surprised by what Mr.Robertson said and the letter.
3、"I think you are the murder,but thank for you telling me the trueth."
4、 Mr.Robertson is very smart and kind,but Bill is a bit little foolish.
1 C 2 B 3 C