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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 08:05:00
The Maldivian archipelago located 300 miles southwest of the southern tip of India and 450 miles west of Sri Lanka is a beautiful string of 1,1 90 low-lying coral islands scattered across the equator in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, giving a rare glimpse of what is aptly described as a tropical paradise.
These are just the three simple realities beckoning tourists from far and wide to these islands, sun, sea and sand which add up to being a heavenly getaway from the rest of the world and its worries.
Resorts and hotels woo tourists with promises of, 'the last paradise on earth', and they will not disappoint. It is a major destination for scuba divers, who come for the wealth of marine life and the reefs as well as being popular with honeymooners and older couples seeking to rejuvenate their lives.
Tourism in the Maldives is carefully managed. The country's tourism master plan identifies both the underwater environment and 'the intrepid explorer factor' as major attractions. The lack of local resources makes it necessary to import virtually everything a visitor needs, from furniture to fresh vegetables. The strategy has been to develop a limited number of quality resorts, each on its own uninhabited island, free from traffic, crime and commercialism.
Climate: genericly, the year is divided into two monsoon periods: the north-east monsoon or Ruvai lasts from December to March, which are the drier months; the south-west monsoon or Ulhangu lasts from April to November, and is wetter, with more storms and occasional strong winds. Daytime temperatures are about 28°C (82°F) all year. The humidity is slightly lower in the dry season but most days there's a cooling sea breeze. 译文:马尔代夫是南亚印度洋上的群岛国家,座落在印度洋南端西南方向300公里、斯里兰卡以西450公里处;由北向南经过赤道纵列,形成了一条长长的礁岛群地带.1190个美丽的珊瑚礁岛屿似花瓣似的散落或环绕在宽广、碧蓝的印度洋海面上似一幅美丽的画卷.如果把马尔代夫形容为美丽的热带天堂是一点也不为过的