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英语翻译It is never too later for successYou and your parents ca

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/23 05:18:11
It is never too later for success
You and your parents can stop worrying ─ Pasture,Edison,Darwin and lots of more were far from being geniuses in their teens.History books seldom mention it,but the truth is that many of our greatest figures were practically “beatniks” when they were teenagers.They were given to daydreaming,indecision,and they showed no promise of being doctor,lawyer,or Indian chief.So,young men and women,if you suffer from the same symptoms,don’t despair.The world was built by men and women whose parents worried that they would “never amount to a hill of beans”.You don’t hear too much about their early failure because parents prefer to cite more inspiring examples.A Man They Don’t Tell You About If you take piano lessons and your attitude towards practicing is marked by laziness,your parents might justly complain and flaunt before you the famous picture of little Mozart in his ruffled nightshirt,playing the piano at midnight in the attic.But the point is,your parents would not show you a picture of a certain party who never showed a bit of interest in music during his formative years.In fact he never showed talent in any direction whatever.Finally put to studying law,he barely passed his final exams.It was not until he was 22 that he suddenly became fired with a great passion for music,and his name was Peter Iluitch Tschaikowsky.In the science,there have been hundreds of geniuses who aimed straight at the goal from earliest years,and hundreds who showed no aptitude at all.There were the teen-age Mayo brothers,who actually assisted their father in his crude country operating room.On the other hand,Harvey Cushing,one of the world’s greatest brain surgeons,might have become a professional ballplayer if his father hadn’t pleaded that he gives medicine a try.The great Pasteur’s parents were in despair because teen-age Louis did nothing but draw pictures and go fishing.Pasture was 20 years old before he became even faintly interested in science.Edison Was “Addled So it goes.You have the Wright brothers,who were brilliant at engineering in their early teens,and you have Thomas Alva Edison,whose teacher tried to get him out of the class because his brain was “addled.” You have the Nobel Prize physicist Enrico Fermi,who at 17 had read enough mathematics to qualify for a doctor’s degree.And you have the great.Albert Schweitzer,who hesitated between music and the church until he was 30.Ten he started his medical studies.
And added to all the aforementioned paradoxes you have a small army of child prodigies who were graduated from college when they were 15,and are now obscure clerks in accounting departments.And you have a small army of men who were too stupid or lazy to get into or finish college and who are today presidents of the firms that hire the prodigies.So who’s to say what about youth?Any young boy or girl who knows what he wants to do in life is probably the better off for it.But no teen-ager need despair of the future.He has that one special advantage over the greatest man alive ─ time!If you don’t think time counts,look at Grandma Moses.She never sold a painting till she was 80.亲请别用google翻译可以么...我也会的好么
英语翻译It is never too later for successYou and your parents ca
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