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英语翻译CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow is back!On May 20,the fourth movie

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 16:34:27
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow is back!On May 20,the fourth movie of the Pirates of the Caribbean (《加勒比海盗》) series will come out.How do pirates become
“popular” today?Let’s have a look.
ARE real pirates as nice and funny as the ones you see in films?Not really.They did many bad things.They are robbers (强盗) on the water.
Vikings were early pirates in Northern Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries .They were strong and good at fighting .Pirates were very active from 1650
to 1720 .There are many famous and bad pirates ,such as ,Blackbeard and Jack Rackham .Today ,Somali pirates rob ships and ask for money .Pirates are bad in
real life ,but they are interesting in books and movies .In the story Peter Pan Captain Hook is scary but funny .He always wears a big hat and has a hook for
a hand .Later ,the Disney series Pirates of the Caribbean made many people crazy about pirates .when the first film came out in 2003 ,people fell in love
with Captain Jack Sparrow .Besides books and movies ,there is an International Talk Like a Pirate Day;People celebrate it on september 19 each year .
Pirate facts
On International Talk Like a Pirate Day ,people talk like pirates.They say ''ahoy ''to mean ''hello'' and ''avast'' to mean ''stop ''.
A pirate might hurt his leg in fight and have a peg leg.But it is uncomfortable to wear for long .So some pirates use crutches to walk .
Jack Sparrow-from the film Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack is brave and loves freedom .He walks like he is drunk .He doesn't really care about anything .He likes to use his wit when he is in danger .
Monkey D Luffy-from the popular Japanese comic One piece .
Luffy wants to become the King of the pirates .He is a little silly.But he becomes serious when his friends are in danger .Luffy can bend his body like
rubber .He likes to eat a lot .
Somali pirates-from real life today .
They came out in the early 21st century .Mostof them were fishermen .They are so poor .They want to make more money .Somali pirates held dozens of ships and
caught hundreds of people every year .
英语翻译CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow is back!On May 20,the fourth movie
Vikings(北欧海盗)是早期的海盗,出现在8到11世纪的北欧地区.他们强壮,擅长战斗.海盗活动在1650年到1720年间很是猖獗.有很多臭名昭著的坏海盗,比如Blackbeard和Jack Rackham.现在,索马里海盗抢劫过往的船只还要问他们要钱的啊.可是海盗虽然在真实生活中很坏,但在书本和电影中却很有趣.比如说在彼得潘那本书里Captain Hook 就是个吓人但是搞笑的伙计.之后,迪斯尼的加勒比系列让很多人为了海盗疯狂.2003年这系列的第一部出现的时候人们就爱上了我们可爱的杰克船长.除了书和电影,现在还有个世界模仿海盗说话日.(译者注:OMG.恩)这个节日是每年的九月十九号,这一天,人们模仿海盗说话的方式,说ahoy不当做hello.说avast当做stop用(译者注:这个好玩啊)海盗可能在战斗中上了一条腿所以会装一条假腿,但是假腿戴时间长了不舒服,所以有些海盗走路时候用拐杖.杰克船长勇敢,热爱自由,成天走路跟喝醉了似的,恩.他什么都不在意,生气的时候就会耍小聪明.Monkey DLuffy是日本著名漫画海贼王里的人物,他想做海盗之王(译者注:海贼王都出来了额)这伙计有点傻,但他在朋友有危险的时候就很严肃啊.这家伙能跟橡皮似的下腰啊有木有...吃的还很多啊.