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英语翻译Of Vain-GloryIT was prettily devised of Æsop,The f

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/10 17:38:17
Of Vain-Glory
IT was prettily devised of Æsop,The fly sat upon the axle-tree of the chariot wheel,and said,What a dust do I raise!So are there some vain persons,that whatsoever goeth alone or moveth upon greater means,if they have never so little hand in it,they think it is they that carry it.They that are glorious must needs be factious; for all bravery stands upon comparisons.They must needs be violent,to make good their own vaunts.Neither can they be secret,and therefore not effectual; but according to the French proverb,Beaucoup de bruit,peu de fruit; Much bruit,little fruit.Yet certainly there is use of this quality in civil affairs.Where there is an opinion and fame to be created either of virtue or greatness,these men are good trumpeters.Again,as Titus Livius noteth in the case of Antiochus and the Ætolians,There are sometimes great effects of cross lies; as if a man that negotiates between two princes,to draw them to join in a war against the third,doth extol the forces of either of them above measure,the one to the other:and sometimes he that deals between man and man raiseth his own credit with both,by pretending greater interest that he hath in either.And in these and the like kinds,it often falls out that somewhat is produced of nothing; for lies are sufficient to breed opinion,and opinion brings on substance.In militar commanders and soldiers,vain-glory is an essential point; for as iron sharpens iron,so by glory one courage sharpeneth another.In cases of great enterprise upon charge and adventure,a composition of glorious natures doth put life into business; and those that are of solid and sober natures have more of the ballast than of the sail.In fame of learning,the flight will be slow without some feathers of ostentation.Qui de contemnenda gloria libros scribunt,nomen,suum inscribunt [They that write books on the worthlessness of glory,take care to put their names on the title page].Socrates,Aristotle,Galen,were men full of ostentation.Certainly vain-glory helpeth to perpetuate a man’s memory; and virtue was never so beholding to human nature,as it received his due at the second hand.Neither had the fame of Cicero,Seneca,Plinius Secundus,borne her age so well,if it had not been joined with some vanity in themselves; like unto varnish,that makes ceilings not only shine but last.But all this while,when I speak of vain-glory,I mean not of that property that Tacitus doth attribute to Mucianus; Omnium quæ dixerat feceratque arte quadam ostentator [A man that had a kind of art of setting forth to advantage all that he had said or done]:for that proceeds not of vanity,but of natural magnanimity and discretion; and in some persons is not only comely,but gracious.
英语翻译Of Vain-GloryIT was prettily devised of Æsop,The f
这是Æsop的设计得很漂亮,苍蝇坐在车的axle-tree轮子,说,我尘土之举!所以有些虚浮的人,无论单独或行动的活物行走在更大的方式,若他们从来没有这么少的手,他们认为是他们抬坛.他们必须好争论是光荣的,因为勇敢坐落在比较.必须有人暴力,做好自己的vaunts.他们不能秘密的,因而都不有效;然而据法国谚语,喜欢他德22果子;多,德有点1:15耶和华说,小的水果.但当然,现在有这种质量的使用在民事事务.哪里有一个意见和名誉都被创建,善或伟大,这些人是好吹号的声音.又一次,就像Livius noteth提多的情况下,AntiochusÆtolians,有时交叉影响很大;如果一个人是一个协商在两个首领中去,让他们加入一场反对第三,也为他们俩的力量,无限量的:但有时候,人和人之间的交易将他们自己的信用和还大的兴趣,他所耗尽.在这些等等种类,它经常产生掉出来纠缠不清的谎言,因为什么足以品种的意见,认为带来实质性内容.在militar指挥官和士兵,vain-glory是一个重要的点;因为铁磨铁,因此在一个勇气荣耀(原文作磨另一个.伟大事业的病例在费用和冒险,作文的光辉性质也把生命和那些业务;固体和冷静的性质的压舱物,比风帆.学习的名誉,飞行会很缓慢,没有一些羽毛而不是炫耀的.谁libros scribunt contemnenda格洛丽亚·nomen,suum,inscribunt[他们写的书在桌上的光华,小心把他们的名字写在标题页图).苏格拉底,亚里士多德,遗传算法