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英语翻译语言比较流畅优秀更好The importance of Dan Rice and the one-ring ci

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 14:53:35
The importance of Dan Rice and the one-ring circus to nineteenth century America is best demonstrated by the influence they had on the people thay touched.When Dan Rice's show played McGregor,Iowa in 1870,five brothers were fascinated by the performance and decided to start their own circus.The amateur presentations of the Ringling brothers would eventually evolve into the famous Ringling Bros.Circus.
Meanwhile,a new type of clown,created by Tom Belling in 1869,was emerging on the other side of the ocean in Berlin,Germany.Garbed in an eccentric outfit and performing a series of actions that seemed at once stupid and spontaneous,Belling was greeted by delighted German audiences with cries of "Auguste!" which was slang for "silly" or "stupid."
By the end of the nineteenth century,the smaller tents of the one-ring show had given way to the "big-top" and the circus enjoyed a golden age.As the large,new,three-ring format evolved,clowns were presented with their greatest challenge yet.Spectacular movement,bright costumes,oversized props,loud explosives,and flamboyant makeup became essential ingredients in the clown's new formula for laughs.By 1907 when the Ringling brothers purchased another popular circus,Barnum & Bailey,the profession of clowning had reached one of its highest peaks.
But only a few decades later,it seemed the ancient art of clowning was dying.By the late 1960s,there were estimated to be fewer than 200 professional circus clowns in the entire United States.When Ringling Bros.and Barnum & Bailey CIrcus was purchased by the late Irvin Feld in 1967,there were only 14 members remaining on the Circus' Clown Alley.*
To preserve the rapidly dwindling profession,Irvin Feld founded Ringling Bros.and Barnum & Bailey Clown College in 1968,providing the first formal training ground for clowns.Since then,the College has had more than 1000 aspiring mirthmakers pass through its doors,rejuvenating the Circus' Clown Alley.
Today,Clown College offers a varied and imaginative curriculum which reflects the skills and traditions of this ancient and international art.Boasting an impressive faculty roster and star studded list of alumni,there is little doubt that the vision and dedication of Irvin Feld has been richly appreciated.Clown College graduates offer amusement -- a legacy of gladness and goodwill to be shared with audiences for years to come.
英语翻译语言比较流畅优秀更好The importance of Dan Rice and the one-ring ci
在19世纪的美国,Dan Rice 和单环马戏的重要性,从他们对观众的影响上,就可以看出来了.当 Dan Rice在1870年演出的时候,Ringling 5兄弟迷上了他的马戏表演,他们决定开始自己的马戏表演.之后,业余演员出身的五兄弟大获成功,他们就是著名的Ringling Bros.Circus.
与此同时,1869年Tom Belling 创建了一个新的形象——小丑,并迅速的涌入了大洋彼岸的德国柏林.小丑以怪诞的装扮和一连串看似愚蠢笨拙的表演,赢得了柏林观众的喜爱.Tom Belling被称为又笨又傻的小丑的代表.
19世纪末,大型马戏将小型表演取而代之.这一时期,马戏也到达了其黄金时期.当巨型的崭新的三轮圈出现在舞台上的时候,小丑们也迎来了他们的挑战.壮观的运动、豪华的服装、巨大的支柱、爆炸般的渲染,怪诞的化妆,成为了小丑新型表演的重要组成部分,他们以此来获得观众的笑声.1907年,当Belling兄弟把一个当红的马戏团买下来的时候,Barnum & Bailey,他们对小丑的演绎,已经到达了顶峰阶段.
20世纪60年代末,据说在整个美国,小丑职业演员的数量还不到200.1967年,Ringling Bros.和 Barnum & Bailey CIrcus 被Irvin Feld 收购后,在Circus' Clown Alley里,就只有14个小丑了.
为了保护这种迅速衰退的表演,1968年,Irvin Feld 找到了 Ringling Bros.和 Barnum & Bailey Clown,并且建立了小丑学院.从那之后,有1000多人想进入小丑学院,使小丑的表演获得了新的活力.
Clown College graduates offer amusement -- a legacy of gladness and goodwill to be shared with audiences for years to come.
今天,小丑学院为我们提供种类繁多,充满想象的小丑表演.反映出了古老的传统和技艺;同时又有国际的艺术.小丑学院对技艺超绝的教员和培养明星这一目标的吹捧,毫无疑问,使得Irvin Feld 被大大的赞扬着.多少年来,小丑学院为观众提供着源源不断的娱乐,这种娱乐,是快乐与善良相结合的艺术遗产.