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英语翻译The following passage is a healthy prescription (处方) of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/23 19:42:36
The following passage is a healthy prescription (处方) of how we can approach life.It is not about being
famous or being wealthy or about our good looks.Truly,it is all about love.There are times when we feel as
if we are separated from the rest.This feeling creates a mental prison.Therefore,we should try to work hard
to internally (内在地) liberate ourselves by widening our circle of pity to accept all living things. 

     "Open your heart to others and try to understand,
     When someone reaches for you,hold out to them your hand.
     Follow your heart,no matter what other people say,
     Do things that make you able to smile throughout your day,
     Treat other people,the way you would like them to treat you,
     Do what you know is right and to your heart and self stay true,

     Remember what life is all about,it is how you make people feel,
     What you do,where you go,and making dreams become real,
     Helping people through,in hard times of pain and strife, 
     What you do for others,is what is important in this life. 
     Look deeper and don't judge people by what is on the outside,
     It is what is inside that counts and what people often hide,
     Care,help,love,be honest,and be kind,
     With purity and goodness within yourself,it is happiness you will find.
     Do all you can in the time you have,you won't always be around,
     Recapture the joy of little things,that once were easily found,
     And if you can do all this and live a life of love,
     You will be helped through life,by all those up above."
     I will leave you with the inspiring words of our late genius,Albert Einstein:
     "There are two ways to live life.One is as though nothing is a miracle (奇迹).The other is as though
everything is a miracle."
英语翻译The following passage is a healthy prescription (处方) of