作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 21:59:22
1 When the contract expires,if party B would like for an extension or has other business intentions,he/she shall inform party A in writing of such intentions two months in advance.Both parties will then negotiate and sign for another contract.
2 Within the validity period of this contract,should force majeure occur or the land be requisitioned by the government,this contract automatically terminates.
3 Issues that are not covered in this contract shall be subject to further negotiation by both parties.Once an agreement is reached,a supplemental contract may be signed.
4 Any dispute under this contract that is not resolved after both parties' friendly negotiation may be resolved through way of litigation.
5 Both parties undertake confidentiality obligations.If any party leaks the contents of the contract,the other party is entitled to compensation.
6 There are a total of three pages (including cover page) of this contract.This contract shall be executed in three counterparts,two of which is held by party A,and one of which is held by party B.This contract shall come into force on the date of signing by both parties.All conterparts have the same legal effect.
英语翻译在平等互惠、互相扶持、共同发展的基础上,甲方和乙方双方经过充分协商,共同签订本合同.由乙方向甲方提供合同规定的产 英语翻译1.甲方验收时,如果发现乙方产品货物不符合本合同约定时,应妥善保管产品货物,在7天之内向乙方提出书面异议,如甲方 英语翻译租房协议的一项:租赁期满,乙方按时将房屋归还甲方,如乙方需续租须提前半个月,与甲方协商,在同等条件下,乙方有优先 英语翻译甲方在本合同履行期间,如因客观原因导致不能按章合同约定按期归还借款,须提前20个工作日向乙方申请延长借款期限,经 1、甲方应依照合同按时向乙方支付制作费用.在模型制作过程中,甲方应对乙方的工作予以及时配合.如因甲方要求暂停制作或终止本 英语翻译如因国家政策,法规的调整使本合同不能正常履行,由双方另行协商. 英语翻译乙方完成本合同的设计时,不能以任何形式和理由侵犯他人的知识产权或其他合法权益;如有发生,则均应由乙方负责,与甲方 英语翻译争议的解决:因履行本合同所发生的争议,由双方协商解决;如协商不成,任何一方都可向上海仲裁委员会申请仲裁.其他:本 英语翻译编号 南昌多林生物医药有限公司加 工 合 同 甲方:时间:___ 乙方:地点:__ 经双方协商,签订本合同并严肃 英语翻译编号 南昌多林生物医药有限公司 加 工 合 同 甲方:时间:___ 乙方:地点:__ 经双方协商,签订本合同并严 英语翻译支付方式:本合同签订后5个工作日内,乙方向甲方支付房屋押金人民币-( 人民币-万)元,此押金在租赁期满乙方不再续 英语翻译一、经甲乙双方友好协商就乙方向甲方购买××产品一事双方达成下列约定:甲方产品如达不到乙方质量要求,应由乙方出示详