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英语翻译MusicologyA word taken onto English from the French in t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 17:51:24
A word taken onto English from the French in the second half of the 19th century.It is often used ,sloppily ,to mean lamose any Kind of writing about music ,from chatty sleeve-notes for popular records to esoteric critical discussion ,but it is best confinde to the same neaning as the German Musidwis-senschaft-the scientific or orderly iinvestigation of musical phenomena .The word Wissen-schaft,"knowledge",implies the acquisition of facts,and this is the musicologist is primary duty ,although he will inevitably have an interpretative function also.The kinds of facts required for any considered view on music are of a more than usually broad scope,and may bi classified ynder various headings.
1Aciystucal Infromation
This is the oldest branch of musicology,adting back to the Ancient Greeks.It is concerned with the actual production of sound,and many of the experimental.techniques of the natural sciences are appropriate to its study .As this volume has an ample article on acoustics,little need bi said here,except that,surprisingly,there techniques have not yet been applied to discover many facts concerning another extremely important branch of musicology.
2 Arthenticity
Before the invention of recording machines it was impossible to preserve sound .People had to rely on aural tradition ,which was liable to change with the passing of time,or on notation,an inperfect method of storing facts which poses many difficlties of interpertation.Nebertheless,cuch interpretation must be attempted.It involves several skills which are discussed below,bu it must be said that even after collating and assessing all the existing information on these aspects,there will remain a number of imponderables.
A.Discovery of the Composer 's or Performer's Intentions .This requiers the study of original sources--manuscripts and printed books--and an interpretation of the notation ,This is the task yndertaken when making an edition,and may bi bery difficult in the case of imperfect sources or complex notations .
B.Knowledge of Performing Practice Since notation hsa never been more than an approximation,toornamentation,inserumentation,customary application of expression and rubato,realization of a continuo part,and a host of other matters.It must also include an idea of the situation for which the music was intended---whether it was a concert room or a church,roughly what size it was,and so on .
英语翻译MusicologyA word taken onto English from the French in t
总之走上英语从法国在第二次19世纪下半叶.这是常用的,草率,是指lamose任何种类的写音乐,从chatty袖注释受欢迎的纪录,以深奥的关键讨论,但它是最好的confinde到同一neaning作为德国musidwis - senschaft -科学或有秩序iinvestigation音乐的现象.一词wissen - schaft , “知识” ,意味着收购的事实,这是音乐是首要职责,虽然他将不可避免地有一项解释性功能also.the种事实所需的任何经考虑后认为,对音乐是一个更比通常的广泛范围,并可能毕分类ynder各种标题.
1aciystucal infromation
这是最古老的音乐科, adting回到古希腊人.这是与实际生产的声音,和很多的实验.技术自然科学适合其研究,作为这一卷有一个充裕的文章对声学,没有必要在这里说,毕,除,奇怪的是,有技术尚未得到应用,发现许多事实关于另一个极为重要的分支音乐.
前发明的录音机器是不可能的,以维护健全的人不得不依靠听觉的传统,这是可随时间的推移,或对乐谱,一inperfect方法储存的事实,提出了许多difficlties的interpertation.nebertheless , cuch解释必须attempted.it涉及的几个技能,下面讨论,布赫,必须指出,即使是后整理及评估所有现有的资料就这些方面,仍将是一个数目难以估计.
答:发现作曲家' s或演员的意图.这requiers研究的原始来源-手稿和印刷书籍-和解释符号,这是任务yn dertaken时,一版,并有可能双向be ry困难,在案件不完善的来源或复杂的符号.
B.知识的表演以来的实践乐谱人血清白蛋白从未超过一逼近, toornamentation , inserumentation ,习惯的应用表达和rubato ,实现一个连续的一部分,以及许多其他matters.it还必须包括一个想法的情况其中音乐的用意---无论是演唱会的房间或一所教堂,大概是什么尺寸,它是等.