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英语翻译一般说来,在买卖股票的人都希望赚钱.(in general)这些小礼物使人得到很多乐趣而花钱不多.(cost)他

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/30 14:25:56
一般说来,在买卖股票的人都希望赚钱.(in general)
他父亲经常读报以了解时事.(keep track of)
我们大学最近几年发生了巨大的变化.(take place)
我们应该8点到达这里.(be supposed to)
如果你需要这份工作,可以向公司申请.(apply… for)
我负责销售mp3.(in charge of)
首先,我要说的是我来到此地感到非常高兴.(first of all)
她企图买衣服不付款就离开商店.(pay for)
你老是担心自己的身体,那样会闹出病来的.(worry about)
我的大学里最近几年发生了巨大的变化.(take place)
如果你坚持真理,你就无所畏惧.(stick to)
他到达机场的时候,飞机已经起飞了.(take off)
你老是担心自己的身体,那样会闹出病来的.(worry about)
处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力.(tend to express)
医生说吸烟对健康有害.(do harm to)
高尔夫 ( golf ) 是我最喜欢的运动,但是经常去玩我负担不起.( favorite,afford)
我想在贵行开立帐户.( open an account )
流行音乐对年轻人来说有很大的吸引力.( appeal to )
图书馆的书可以根据作者分类.( be classified )
英语翻译一般说来,在买卖股票的人都希望赚钱.(in general)这些小礼物使人得到很多乐趣而花钱不多.(cost)他
Generally speaking, the sale of shares in the hope that people are making money. (in general)
These small gifts people have to spend a lot of fun but not much. (cost)
His father often the papers and watch television to understand current events. (keep track of)
Our universities in recent years has undergone tremendous changes. (take place)
Education should become an indispensable life hits a part of. (integral)
Please help me booking a ticket to Beijing. (reserve)
We should be here at 8:00. (Be supposed to)
If you need this job, you can apply to the company. (apply… for)
You can feel free to contact me. (contact)
I am responsible for sales of mp3. (in charge of)
First of all, I want to say is that I came here and am very pleased. (first of all)
She tried to buy clothes from shops on the non-payment. (pay for)
These small gifts people have to spend a lot of fun but not much. (Pleasure)
Nilao is worried about their own bodies, as will Naochu to the disease. (Worry about)
I recent years the university has undergone enormous changes. (Take place)
If you adhere to the truth, you fearless. (stick to)
Since you have rich working experience, I believe that luck will be with you. (Accompany)
He arrived at the airport when the plane took off. (Take off)
Nilao is worried about their own bodies, as will Naochu to the disease. (worry about)
Under pressure from people in the easy play to their full potential. (tend to express)
Doctors say that smoking harmful to health. (do harm to)
Golf (golf) is my favorite sport, but often I can not afford to play. (Favorite, afford)
I would like you to open an account. (Open an account)
Pop music for young people is very attractive. (Appeal to)
Library books can be classified according to the author. (Be classified)