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中文翻英文~很多.1.听古典音乐 2.去听音乐会 3.知道 4.5.期末考试 6.因为…… 7.送给某人的礼物 8.跑步

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 16:22:33
1.听古典音乐 2.去听音乐会 3.知道 4.5.期末考试 6.因为…… 7.送给某人的礼物 8.跑步锻炼 9.拍电影 10.在我们附近,在我们小区 11.玩闹,取闹 12.关掉 13.在……海洋里,许多,大量 14.当心,小心 15.假装干…… 16.汉英词典 17.做出猜测 18.奇怪的东西 19.弹吉他 20.组成,构成 21.为……而担忧,为……着急 22.一只奇怪的生物 23.上班迟到 24.报警 25.在某人的梦中 26.当地动物园的领导 27.太多的作业28.你认为"anxious"是什么意思?29.他可能是在跑步锻炼身体.30.你觉得那个男的为什么跑步?31.在我的梦中,我在题海中游泳.32她是唯一学法语的人.33.主人不可能是个男孩.34.这可能意味着你害怕太多的课外作业.35.马克吐温是玛丽最喜欢的作家.36.她因为考试而着急.37.他可能是跑着去赶公交车.38.暖和的地方 39.中国东部的某地 40.法国的首都 41.欧洲最热闹的城市之一 42.乘地铁 43.去度假 44.在丛林中跋涉 45.消费相当高的地方 46.打算做某事 47.为某人提供某物 48.整年\一年到头 49.到一个刺激额地方去旅游 50.将来 51.来吃晚饭 52.在每年这个时候 53.一个带有厨房的房间 54.一再地,反复地 55.帮助某人做某事 56.离开大概三星期 57.横渡太平洋 58.这个问题的不同回答 59.继续做某事 60.根据 61.实现梦想 62.为什么不……?63.考虑 64.对(某人)提供 65.毕业以后 66.在另一方面 67.愿意努力工作 68.坚持你的梦想 69.我想去休闲的地方.70.我希望有一天去法国.71.我(很)想去墨西哥旅游.72.那儿没什么可做\好玩的.73.我喜欢区号总是温暖的地方.74.我想去休闲的地方.(第2种) 75.有梦想是非常重要的,因此要坚持你的梦想;有一天他们有可能会变成现实.76.我们不应该在马路上踢足球.77.为什么不考虑一下到巴黎去度过你的下一个假期?78.乘出租车游览巴黎可能要花好多钱.79.最后,终于 80.偶尔,意外 81.用来做 82.在黑暗中 83.根据 84.用这种方法 85.飞盘 86.电灯泡 87.错误地 88.撞上 89.分成…… 90.在……上撒…… 91.周游中国 92.球场的一端 93.在硬木地板上 94.微波炉 95.不够咸 96.把……引进…… 97薯片的历史 98.西方世界 99.最有用的发明 100.在十六世纪 101.一种诱人的气味 102.给某人一些时间做某事 103……的数量 104.许多……105.打篮球的目的 106.一个叫……的厨师 107.偶然地108.直到1619年,茶才流传到西方.109.就这样,世界上最令人喜爱的饮料被发明了.110.后来,他决定尝一下这种热的混合液.111.薯片是被偶然发明的 112.顾客说菜不够咸.113.它每天给人们更多的时间来工作或玩耍.114.撞到别人和跌倒将是危险的.115.它用来在黑暗中看东西.116.汽车何时发明的?发明于1885年.117.电话是由贝尔发明的.
中文翻英文~很多.1.听古典音乐 2.去听音乐会 3.知道 4.5.期末考试 6.因为…… 7.送给某人的礼物 8.跑步
. Listening to classical music 2. To go to the concert 3. Know 4. Don't know 5. The final exam 6. Because. 7. To someone's gift 8. Running exercise 9. Film 10. Near us, in our district 11. Suddenly, make trouble without a cause 12. Turn off 13. In. The sea, many, a large number of 14. Beware, be careful 15. Pretending to do... 16. Chinese-english dictionary 17. A guess 18. Strange things 19. Guitar 20. The composition, constitute a 21. For. But worry, as. Try so hard 22. A strange creature 23. Go to work be late 24. Alarm 25. In someone's dream 26. The leadership of the local zoo 27. Too much homework 28. You think that "anxious" is what mean? 29. He may be in the running exercise. 30. Why do you think the man running? 31. In my dream, I was swimming in exams. And she is the only person learning French. 33. Master can not be a boy. 34. This may mean that you are afraid of too much assignment. 35. Mark Twain is Mary's favorite author. 36. Her exam because rush. 37. He may be ran to catch the bus. 38. A warm place 39. The east China somewhere 40. The capital of France 41. One of Europe's most bustling city 42. Take the subway 43. Go on holiday 44. In the jungle trek 45) consumer very high place 46. Going to do something 47. For someone to provide something 48. Year-round \ all year round and 49. To an exciting place to travel is 50. The future 51. 52 to dinner. In this time of year 53. A room with the kitchen of 54. Over and over, repeatedly 55. Help someone do something 56. Leave about three weeks 57. Across the Pacific 58. The problem of different answer 59. Continue to do something 60. According to 61. Realize the dream 62. Why not. ?63. Consider 64. (someone) to provide 65. Graduation after 66. On the other hand 67. Willing to work hard 68. To keep your dream 69. I want to go to the leisure place. 70. I hope one day to go to France. 71. I (very) want to go to Mexico tourism. 72. There is nothing to do, fun. 73. I like the area code is always warm place. 74. I want to go to the leisure place. (second) 75. The dream is very important, so stick to your dreams; One day they may become a reality. 76. We should not be played football in the street. 77. Why not consider to Paris to spend your next holiday? 78. Take a taxi to visit Paris may have to spend a lot of money. 79. Finally, finally 80. Occasionally, accident 81. Used to make 82. In the darkness 83. According to the 84. In this way 85. The frisbee 86. The light bulb 87. Wrong to 88. Hit 89. Into... 90. In. And. 91. The travel around China 92. The stadium at the end of 93. On the hardwood floor 94. The microwave oven 95. Not enough salty, 96. The... Introduce. 97 chips history 98. The western world 99. The most useful invention of 100. In the sixteenth century 101. A tempting smell 102. Some time to do STH for sb 103... The number of 104. Many. 105. The purpose of the play basketball 106. A call... Cook 107. By chance 108. Until 1619, tea to spread across the western. 109. So, the world's most a favorite drinks was invented. 110. Later, he decided to taste the hot mixture. 111. The potato chips are accidental invention 112. Customers say food not salty enough. 113. Every day, it give people more time to work or play. 114. The bump into someone and fall will be dangerous. 115. It is used to in the dark. 116. The car invented? Invented in 1885. 117. The phone is invented by bell.