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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜狗做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 16:05:25
Title: Sun Wukong walker, Tang big apprentice, will seventy-two change, become an immortal. A pair of piercing eye, can see through the disguise of demons and ghosts trick; a somersault can turn in one hundred and eight thousand; use weapons golden, small to large can, changes in the heart, the embroidery needle, that of indomitable spirit. He accounted for flower and fruit mountain king, claiming famously, disturbed Wang Mu empress peach will win, stealing saw Ever-Young Saver, beat temple one hundred thousand divine troops descending from heaven, and beyond one's ability and Buddha are crushed in the battle of wits, five mountain more than five hundred years. Later the Bodhisattva attunement, protect the monk Buddhist sutras, three dozen White-Boned demon, soothe the red boy, go out Flaming Mountains, all the way out to fight the demon, after nine nine eighty-one hard, resumptive true classics come to fruition. Dubbed the "fight conquer buddha ". He Jieruchou, not afraid of difficulties, firm and indomitable, courageous, learn being sealed to fight conquer buddha.
再问: 谢谢。不过,亲,这真的是高一水平吗。。【还是我水平太低了。。。。】 能不能简单点。。。
再答: Sun Wukong, Chinese classical novel " journey to the west " from the stone burst out. Sun Wukong was born, who leads a group of monkeys into the water curtain cave into the monkey king, a group of monkeys called monkey king. A monkey king, was forced to admit that the title after heaven. Havoc in heaven, by Buddha rein pressure on the Five Fingers Group, five hundred years after being Tang rescued, fahao walker, so it is also called the monkey. Sun Wukong, Tang's monk Buddhist the apprentice, will seventy-two change, become an immortal. A pair of piercing eye, can see through the disguise of demons and ghosts trick; a somersault can turn in one hundred and eight thousand; use weapons Ruyi Jingu bang from the East China Sea Dragon Palace grabbing, small to large can, changes in the heart, small to the needle or not see, that of indomitable spirit, up to thirty-three days, stretched to eighteen layer can be under the the hell. Protection monk Buddhist sutras, the subdue demons and monsters, after nine nine eighty-one hard, resumptive true classics come to fruition, 孙悟空,中国古典小说《西游记》从石中迸裂而出。孙悟空刚出生时,带领群猴进入水帘洞后成为众猴之王,群猴称之为美猴王。自封齐天大圣,后天庭被迫承认该封号。大闹天宫后,被如来佛收服压于五指山下,五百年后被唐僧救出,法号行者,故又称孙行者。孙悟空,唐僧西天取经时的大徒弟,会七十二变、腾云驾雾。一双火眼金睛,能看穿妖魔鬼怪伪装的伎俩;一个筋斗能翻十万八千里;使用的兵器如意金箍棒从东海龙宫抢得,能大能小,随心变化,小到绣花针或者看不到,大到顶天立地,上伸可到三十三重天,下伸可以至十八层地狱。保护唐僧西天取经,一路上降妖伏魔,历经九九八十一难,取回真经终成正果, 这个简单!